A Study on the Historical Comprehension and the Proposal for Globalization in the Physial Education of the Racial Nationalism in Korea, in Future 체육사 : 한국의 민족적 국가주의 체육의 역사적 이해와 미래 체육의 세계화를 위한 제언
39(4) 9-19, 2000
A Study on the Historical Comprehension and the Proposal for Globalization in the Physial Education of the Racial Nationalism in Korea, in Future 체육사 : 한국의 민족적 국가주의 체육의 역사적 이해와 미래 체육의 세계화를 위한 제언
This study came to a conclusion by the purpose to present a comprehension the consciousness-formation of nationalism in the historical a view point and the plan for contribution to globalization in our nationality, as follows
The concept of nationalism means a reliable construction of racial base in domestic matters and a self-existence of it in international its, namely, the national-ism.
In base on the world history of physical educadoa the physical education of the korean's nationalism have made up to the rule of Japanese imperialism from the end of the Jo Seon.
After that, the korean's history have undergoed all sort of hardships by external aggression In this external aggression, the racial resistance-spirit could have grown naturally, and these physical activities be introduced in modem times did duty as a tool-function could be express these it. I could understood that our racial nationalism have built up in warning and awakening against total external agression different from Europe it.
I selected and considered that the end of the Jo Seon, the time of Japanese imperialism and the 3rd republicanism because of a clearness of nationalism historically. And then, I selected that the 3rd republic of Korea was decided by a obvious nationalism form, with one leader. The leadership of president of those days was seen a millitarism-color, but a leader and the people struggled on a purpose of the nation development. In the conscious of a physical-fitness must be ensured in accomplish of the nation development have brought a wonderful development in physical activities, I could understood that this development put initial manure at the establishment of the ministry of sports, the held of Olympic games.
We have accpeted that the declaration of globalization made good headway with everyday words in spite of some denial insistance. And then, I thought that the Korean's sports would have a capability be leaded the world it with correct perception about a true meaning of this globalization For this, we will achieved that the true globalization leaded the world sports with a creation of the venguard technigue by self-developed efforts overcome the dependence of these advanced nations through study of the theory of physical education, the motor technigues and the training progrem etc.
Therefore, we could sought that the globalization of korean's sports could accomplished meaningly and steadly in historic facts when we concentrated our talents holded the sports of racial nationalism by the people, confront the world, and confirm he self-admiration of our peoples through the world game’s records up to now.
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Ideology and the Development of Western Sport in Korea 체육사 : 한국 서구 스포츠의 발달과 그 이데올로기
하남길HaNam-Gil , 박영호ParkYoung-Ho
39(4) 20-34, 2000
Ideology and the Development of Western Sport in Korea 체육사 : 한국 서구 스포츠의 발달과 그 이데올로기
하남길HaNam-Gil , 박영호ParkYoung-Ho
All races or countries have unique game and sports cultures that they have inherited. Korea is no exception. With the expansion of Western imperialism in the second half of the nineteenth century, the culture of Western sports spread to several continents. This article attempts to trace and explain the process by which the culture of Western sports was introduced into and spread across Korea during the period 1876-1945, and to show what influences the ideologies that grew and spread in the political and social circumstances of this period had on the development and spread of sports. By approaching the history of Korean sports from this perspective of dominating ideologies, this article attempts to explain in a more comprehensive fashion, the process by which Western sports introduced into Korea spread. The results show that Confucianism, which had dominated traditional Korean society, hindered the spread of the culture of Western sports, but that imperialism, by inciting feelings of nationalism, pushed sports culture to grow as part of the rising tide of nationalistic resistance.
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A study on the Concept and Contents in the Philosophy of Taekwondo education 체육철학 : 태권도교육철학(跆拳道敎育哲學)의 개념(槪念)과 내용(內容)에 관한 고찰(考察)
39(4) 37-50, 2000
A study on the Concept and Contents in the Philosophy of Taekwondo education 체육철학 : 태권도교육철학(跆拳道敎育哲學)의 개념(槪念)과 내용(內容)에 관한 고찰(考察)
The educational role of Taekwondo when compared to the external progress moved in small steps. Some Taekwondo gymnasiums and competitions detrimentally reflect the negative aspects instead of the educational role of Taekwondo. This problem is not only caused by lack of knowledge on the philosophy of Taekwondo education, in general, but also the behavior and educational belief on the part of Taekwondo instructors.
The purpose of this study was to establish the basic concepts as well as present the contents of the philosophy of Taekwondo education This was done by employing an analytical research method, using the references from Taekwondo, education, Taekwondo education, Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and philosophy of Taekwondo education.
The essential subject in this paper, the concept of philosophy of Taekwondo education should be made clear. The philosophy of Taekwondo education is defined as follow : the scholastic study that encompasses the essence and thought of Taekwondo education This not only included the theory and scholastic research of the subject, but it must also comprise the behavior and thoughts of the Taekwondoist in their Taekwondo education.
The essence of Taekwondo can be captured in three central aspects of its educational philosophy - martial arts, sports and physical education Martial arts emphasizes its practice on the enlightenment of one’s inner humanity through the cultivation of the mind, as well as the development of one’s conduct as a martial artist in society. Sports philosophy consists of two major aspects - Sportsmanship which includes courtesy, fair-play and perseverance ; and Olympism which includes peace, harmony and equality. The philosophy of Taekwondo competition is derived from this. The "education for the whole man" through Taekwondo is derived from the ideal of physical education. The importance of this educational philosophy is especially apparent in Taekwondo gymnasiums that cater to elementary-age students.
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Reinterpretation on the Relationship among flow, Mindfulness and Somatic Experience : Introduction, application and transformation of somatic experience into the realm of physical education
이철원LeeChul-Won , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
39(4) 51-60, 2000
Reinterpretation on the Relationship among flow, Mindfulness and Somatic Experience : Introduction, application and transformation of somatic experience into the realm of physical education
이철원LeeChul-Won , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
The purpose of this study was to introduce a somatic experience based on revealing the difference and similarity among somatic experience, flow and mindfulness, and to apply it into the realm of physical education. In order to manifest this purpose, this study has suggested three research subjects by using the literature review and participant observation at the Ohio State University. It was as follows:
Firstly, as the recently recognized concepts to interpret an experience, mindfulness and flow were explained to easily understand their realities. They were expressed on basic human experience and closely related to somatic experience in terms of a subjective expression.
Secondly, the direct relationship of somatic experience, flow and mindfulness was suggested. It originally has begun to reject body and mind dualism, which has dominated the Western culture, taken the separation of body and mind. These concepts pursue the harmony between self-awareness, biological function and environment.
Last, the application to schooling of somatic education has led new possibility of changing the class of physical education.
In conclusion, applying and transforming somatic experience into the current educational system is not easy because it focuses on subjective stance of knowledge, self-fulfillment, and first-person perception rather than emphasizing objective evaluation and memory-oriented teaching and learning in educational context of physical education.
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Today and Tomorrow of Korean Physical Education and Sport Philosophy (2): The flow on the thought of Physical Education 체육철학 : 한국체육 스포츠 철학의 오늘과 내일(2) : 체육사상 연구의 동향
39(4) 61-68, 2000
Today and Tomorrow of Korean Physical Education and Sport Philosophy (2): The flow on the thought of Physical Education 체육철학 : 한국체육 스포츠 철학의 오늘과 내일(2) : 체육사상 연구의 동향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the thought of physical education by reviewing total 19 doctor dissertation on the thought of physical education in korea.
In order to this purpose, I have examined doctor dissertation according to three area: the western, Eastern, Korea. First, The western thought of physical education is to 5 dissertation about the thought of physical education on Platon, Jahn, Baul, Comenius. Second, The Eastern thought of physical education is to 2 dissertation about the thought of physical education on the viewpoints of human body of Wangyangming and Toism. Third, The korean thought of physical education is to 10 dissertation about the thought of physical education on Hwarang-do, Han thought, Toege and yulkok, traditional play, Do-in-Bup in the Regimen of Dongeui-Bugam. In the future, The study on the thought of physical education will have been studied the thought of physical education on the Aristoteles, Rousseau, GutsMuths, John Dewey etc.
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The philosophy of Toe-gye and the meaning of health in Hoal-In-Sim-Bang 체육철학 : 퇴계(退溪)의 철학 사상과 활인심방(活人心方)에 나타난 건강의 의미
차건수ChaGeon-Su , 김정완GimJeong-Wan
39(4) 69-77, 2000
The philosophy of Toe-gye and the meaning of health in Hoal-In-Sim-Bang 체육철학 : 퇴계(退溪)의 철학 사상과 활인심방(活人心方)에 나타난 건강의 의미
차건수ChaGeon-Su , 김정완GimJeong-Wan
This study inquired into the philosophy of Toe-gye(1501 -1570) and the meaning of health in Hoal-In-Sim-Bang. As for Toe-gye, health means 'humanity restoration campaign intended for education for the whole man, that is, mental, social, physical, spiritual harmony'.
On this base, the importance of health education is not only emphasized but also is the best efforts for health education, in order to live a healthy life through the restoration of humanity and the formation of sound values by practicing health education.
Toe-gyes learning is practical ethics, and life in itself is learning. A man of learning should not only instruct the knowledge but also behave keeping it in mind that his behavior is very important in that it has an influence on the formation of one's personality. Gyeong(敬) is the cardinal point of methods of cultivation of the mind to reach the higher level, Seong(誠). He claims that human morality can be restored through the methods of cultivation of the mind, and thus the society can became better. He also claims that curing mental diseases is ahead of keeping and promoting one's health, saying 'mind has control over body'.
The reason Toe-gye's Hoal-In-Sim-Bang exists is to live long healthily by controlling one's mind well since all diseases originate from mind. Therefore, the cardinal point of healthy life is not the medical prescription but active life and good personality, in other words, controling mind by the restoration of humanity. You need to add training one's body and mind and all kinds of dietary treatments to this.
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A Study on the Dropout of the Commercial Sport Program Participants 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠 시설 참가자의 중도 탈락요인 분석
39(4) 81-91, 2000
A Study on the Dropout of the Commercial Sport Program Participants 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠 시설 참가자의 중도 탈락요인 분석
It is obvious that there are many social - psychological factors in dropout procedure. The purpose of the present study was to find out the fitness of the dropout model based on Tinto's(1975) model and the influence of factors related to the dropout from commercial sports program.
The subject were selected from 2,000 adults who had enrolled in 10 complex commercial sports center located in Seoul using a mail questionnaire method from November, 1999 to January, 2000. The response ratio was 24.4%, 487 persons, and 455 persons among them were used as subjects.
Covariance structure analysis method were used in order to solve problems of the study.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. The initially deviced structural equation model is not fitted the experience data through the base of overall fit measure.
2. Newly modified model that remove understanding of sport cost, conflict between job and sport, satisfaction of sport mood, satisfaction of incidental facilities, and all measured variables of sport commitment factor as measured variables is well fitted the experience data.
3. The primary latent variable affecting the dropout from commercial sports program is satisfaction of sport environment(-), followed by the satisfaction of sport program(-), personal sport environment, and socio- demographic factor.
Satisfaction of sport program of the commercial sports center affecting from socio-demographic factor and personal sport environment contributes to anticipating dropout or continuous participation by affecting the satisfaction of sport environment such as size of sport class, and managerial flexibility of sport class to synthesize the whole view.
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The Relative Age Effect in Korean Sports - In Case of Soccer 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠에서 상대연령 효과 : 축구를 중심으로
39(4) 92-100, 2000
The Relative Age Effect in Korean Sports - In Case of Soccer 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠에서 상대연령 효과 : 축구를 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to examine the relative age effect in Korean soccer. In order to achieve the purpose, the relevant date were gathered from 335 who participated in K-league in 1999 and 479 who participated in the President Cup of Korean Elementary School Soccer Association in 1999. The statistical techniques used for the analysis of this study were Chi-square test and Spearman’s rank order correlation analysis.
The results of this study are as follows:
First, in case of non athletes, the rate of male populations were born in winter is the highest, and the rate of male populations who were born in spring is the lowest, but in case of K-league players, the rate of K-league players who were born in spring is the highest, and the rates of K-league players who born in winter is the lowest,
Second, in case of non athletes, the rate of male students who were born in winter is the highest, and the rate of male students who were born in spring is the lowest, but in case of elementary school soccer players, the rate of elementary school soccer players were born in spring is the highest and the rate of elementary school soccer players who were born in winter is the lowest.
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The Effect of Intramural sport on Adolescent's Social Competence 스포츠사회학 : 방과후 체육활동이 청소년의 사회적 능력에 미치는 영향
김범식KimBeom-Sik , 박종진ParkJong-Jin
39(4) 101-112, 2000
The Effect of Intramural sport on Adolescent's Social Competence 스포츠사회학 : 방과후 체육활동이 청소년의 사회적 능력에 미치는 영향
김범식KimBeom-Sik , 박종진ParkJong-Jin
This study is an attempt to investigate if Intramural participation has an effect on adolescents social competent. The subjects of this study are 239 high school students(participants 88, non-participant 151). To obtain the data about social competence - social participation, popularity, outgoing behavior, interpersonal adjustment leadership, questionnaires are used. To verify research hypothesis, we analyze descriptive statistics, cronbach's α, factor analysis, and 2way-ANOVA(RM) with SPSS PC v8.0 for windows.
Based on the method and procedure of this study, this study produce the results as follows.
1. Intramural participation have not effect on social participation.
2. Intramural participation have an effect on popularity.
3. Intramural participation have an effect on outgoing behavior.
4. Intramural participation have not effect on interpersonal adjustment.
5. Intramural participation have an effect on leadership.
6. Intramural participation have an effect on social competence.
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The study of satisfaction on the factor related with work as pro-soccer player 스포츠사회학 : 프로축구선수 직업관련 제 요인의 만족에 관한 연구
김상대KimSang-Dai , 조만태ChoMan-Tae
39(4) 113-121, 2000
The study of satisfaction on the factor related with work as pro-soccer player 스포츠사회학 : 프로축구선수 직업관련 제 요인의 만족에 관한 연구
김상대KimSang-Dai , 조만태ChoMan-Tae
The purpose of this study is to understand the degree of satisfaction on the factors related with work as professional football player, and is to provide as basic data to consider the effectiveness of personal management over professional football player.
According to this purpose, this study is conducted on the subject 134 players who are taking participate in the K-League at the present day, and is conducted question survey by the Self-administration method. Collected data have been conducted frequency analysis, factor analysis, One-way Anova, F-test by using SPSS for Win V7.5.
By through survey process, the following result has been drawn.
First, the satisfaction degree on the basis of annual salary, is shown the highest in the factor among value, one's place, occuaption, confidence in the class of less income of 120 million won, and the group of less income 80 million won is shown to be the highest in the factor of role.
Second, the satisfaction degree on the basis of position factor is shown to be high among the factors of value, role, occupation, confidence in the DF group and to be high the factors of one’s place in the FW group.
Third, for discrimination of major, the group who have games in the first grade as the major is shown to be the highest in the every factors, and the group who play the games in the secondary league as the change is shown to be the lowest.
Fourth, among the differences according to the frequency with playing in the game is shown to be highest in the group who have experience to play less 150 games in the factors of value, role, occupation. The satisfaction degree on the basis of one's place is shown to be highest in the group who have above 151 games and the satisfaction degree on the factor of confidency is shown to be highest in the group who have less 100 games.
Fifth, the players who have experience in less 20 years are shown to be the highest satisfaction on the factor of value, and the players who have experience in above 21years are shown to be the highest satisfaction on the rest factors.
Sixth, the group who have experience above 7years as professional players career is shown to be the highest satisfaction on the factor of the occupation, the rest factor in the less 6years group is shown to be the highest.
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A study on the promotion of leisure and recreation sport through the co-hosting of 2002 FIFA World Cup 스포츠사회학 : 2002 년 월드컵 공동개최를 통한 생활체육진흥방안 연구
39(4) 122-129, 2000
A study on the promotion of leisure and recreation sport through the co-hosting of 2002 FIFA World Cup 스포츠사회학 : 2002 년 월드컵 공동개최를 통한 생활체육진흥방안 연구
The 2002 Korea and Japan FIFA World Cup is a chance to promote leisure and recreation sport for the better life of citizen. The purpose of this study was to research for promoting the leisure and recreation sport through the co-hosting of 2002 FIFA World Cup in Korea and Japan.
There were several strategies for promoting leisure and recreation sport. (1) the establishment of the glass root soccer system, (2) building the basic of the leisure and recreation sport, (3) utilization of the soccer facilities for leisure and recreation sport, (4) using volunteers as the measure for promotion of leisure and recreation sport, and (5) extension of the female sport activities.
There are only less two years left for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. It is time to check preparatory condition and need for us to reflect in order to host World Cup successfully. Also, there will be in dose cooperate between Korea and Japan organization committees and people for successful World Cup.
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The Causal Relationship Model among Subjective Well - Being Participation of Sport for All, and Job Satisfaction 스포츠사회학 : 직장인의 주관적 안녕감과 생활체육 참가 및 직장만족 간의 인과관계
김용규KimYong-Kyoo , 문용MunYong
39(4) 130-142, 2000
The Causal Relationship Model among Subjective Well - Being Participation of Sport for All, and Job Satisfaction 스포츠사회학 : 직장인의 주관적 안녕감과 생활체육 참가 및 직장만족 간의 인과관계
김용규KimYong-Kyoo , 문용MunYong
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among subjective well-being, participation of sport for all, and job satisfaction of the workers.
For this purpose the research was administered to using materials of 412 male and female workers dwelling in Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of duster sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in previous studies among subjective well-being, participation of sport for all, and job satisfaction scales, and used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis.
The following is conclusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study.
1. There was supported by hypothesis II of the relationship between social well-being and participation of sport for all of the workers.
2. There was supported by hypothesis III of the relationship between physical well-being and participation of sport for all of the workers.
3. There was supported by hypothesis IV of the relationship between situational well-being and participation of sport for all of the workers.
4. There was supported by hypothesis Ⅶ of the relationship between situational well-being and job satisfaction of the workers.
5. There was supported by hypothesis Ⅸ of the relationship between participation of sport for all and job satisfaction of the workers.
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A Study on the Perceived Role Attributes and Skills of the Korean Professional Baseball Players 스포츠사회학 : 한국 프로야구 선수의 인지된 역할특성과 운동기능에 관한 연구
39(4) 143-151, 2000
A Study on the Perceived Role Attributes and Skills of the Korean Professional Baseball Players 스포츠사회학 : 한국 프로야구 선수의 인지된 역할특성과 운동기능에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study, through an examination of patterns of social differentiation among playing position within Korean professional baseball organizations, was to assess the relative weighting of selected role attributes and skills and to examine the relative effects of selected role attributes and skills.
In order to test the aforementioned purposes, 77 data were gathered and analysed. And the statistical methods were Pearsons correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Under the basis of these methods, the follow findings are summarized:
First, the playing position of baseball can be divided into three parts: high ranking group(pitcher, catcher, short-stop), middle ranking group(first base, second base, third base), and low ranking group(outfielders).
Second, the athletic skills is the most influencing variable on the perceived salary and prestige.
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The Causal Relationship Model between Consummer Segmentation of Leisure Activities and Consummer Satisfaction of the Seniors using public facilities 스포츠사회학 : 지방자치단체 시설 이용 노인 여가활동 소비자 세분화와 소비자 만족간의 인과관계
김태운KimTea-Woon , 문용MunYong
39(4) 152-164, 2000
The Causal Relationship Model between Consummer Segmentation of Leisure Activities and Consummer Satisfaction of the Seniors using public facilities 스포츠사회학 : 지방자치단체 시설 이용 노인 여가활동 소비자 세분화와 소비자 만족간의 인과관계
김태운KimTea-Woon , 문용MunYong
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among socio-economic variables, lifestyle, characteristics, consume style of leisure activities, and consumer's satisfaction of the seniors using public facilites.
For this purpose the research was administered to using materials of 221 male and female seniors of public facilities working in Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of purposive sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in previous studies among socio-economic consume style of leisure activities, characteristics and consumer’s satisfaction scales, and used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the expected datas were structural equation modeling analysis.
The following is conclusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study.
1. There was supported by hypothesis I of the casual relationship between sociol-economic variables and consume's style of leisure activities of the seniors.
2. There was supported by hypothesis I -1 of the casual relationship between sociol-economic variables and consumer's satisfaction of the seniors.
3. There was supported by hypothesis Ⅲ of the casual relationship between characteristics and consume style of leisure activities of the seniors.
4. There was supported by hypothesis Ⅲ-1 of the casual relationship between characteristics and consumer's satisfaction of the seniors.
5. There was supported by hypothesis IV of the casual relationship between consume style of leisure activities and consume's style of leisure activities of the seniors.
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The Effect of Sports Participations on View of Sports Values and Attitude on University Students 스포츠사회학 : 대학생의 스포츠 참가가 스포츠 가치관 및 태도에 미치는 영향
39(4) 165-174, 2000
The Effect of Sports Participations on View of Sports Values and Attitude on University Students 스포츠사회학 : 대학생의 스포츠 참가가 스포츠 가치관 및 태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on sports and participations on sports values and attitudes on university students.
Concretely, the purpose of this study to analyze and clarify the effects of sports participation experience, participation degree not only on economic, social, recreational, physical, aesthetic, character, political, and religious value but also on psychological, individual, and social attitudes which are subordinate variables of sports attitudes.
Based upon the result of the study, the results were concluded as follows ;
First, there was difference between recreational, associational, aesthetic, physical, political, character, and religious value by experience of sports participation as subordinate variables of view of sports value.
Second, there was a difference between psychological, individual, and social attitude by experience of sports as subordinate variables of sports attitude.
Third, the aesthetic value of sports was higher in team sports by frequency of sports participation. The economic, associational, recreational, and political value of sports participation were higher compared to the participants of team sports.
Fourth, the social attitude of sports by level of sports participation was higher in team sports.
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A study of the perception of TaekwonDo participants' 스포츠사회학 : 태권도 수련자의 유용성에 관한 연구
39(4) 175-183, 2000
A study of the perception of TaekwonDo participants' 스포츠사회학 : 태권도 수련자의 유용성에 관한 연구
The purpose of study to research the difference in perception of TaeKwonDo(present rank system, Training method, Training valuation) of TaeKwonDo participated. In order to this research, first of all, perception of TaeKwonDo of difference by gender, school career, age, regional area, rank grade. The subjects were selected 1119 in TaeKwanDo participating people Data analysis technique were one way-ANOVA.
The major findings obtained from this study were as follows:
Mental culture by gender was difference in male and female. First, Gender was significant difference in 1 factor(Mental culture) than 4 factor. Second, School career and present rank grade were significant difference in 2 factor (present rank system, training method) than 3 factor. Third, age was significant difference in 5 factor (Present rank system Training method Training valuation). Forth, regional area was significant difference in 2 factor(Training method, Training valuation) than 3 factor.
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A Study on People's Awareness of South and North Sports Exchanges 스포츠사회학 : 남북체육교류에 대한 국민외식 조사 연구
The purpose of this study was to survey people's opinions of South and North sports exchanges and their awareness of unification policies and thereupon, provide for some basic data helpful to the government in designing national unification policies and reasonable unification methods.
For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted cm the audience who attended the basketball game between South Korea’s Hyundai team and North Korea's Asia and Pacific team held at Jamsil stadium on December 23, 1999. 528 respondents out of 700 were found valid enough to be analyzed. The results of this study can be summarized as follows;
First, 35.8% of the respondents were relatively much concerned about the national unification 34.3% were a little concerned, and 21.4% were very much concerned about the unification, In all, the absolute majority(915%) of the respondents were more or less concerned about the national unification.
Second, 9.7% of the respondents foresaw the national unification within 5 years, 34.7% within 10 years and 32.8% foresaw it within 20 years. 8.7% of the respondents thought it impossible for our nation to be unified, and 14.1% said that they had no idea. After all, 77.2% of the respondents thought that Korea would be unified within 20 years at latest.
Third, 71.0% of the respondents felt that sports exchanges would have more or less impacts on improvement of South and North relation, 15.0% believed in a drastic effect of sports exchanges on South and North relation, 7.0% perceived that sports exchanges would have little effect, and 2.5% thought that sports exchanges would have no effect on South and North relation. Thus, 86% of the respondents thought positively of the sports exchanges in terms of South and North relation.
Fourth, 59.1% of the respondents replied that elite sportsmen would need to be exchanged between South and North Koreas along with the life sports exchanges, 25% though that emphasis should be put on life sports exchanges, and 7.0% felt that elite sportsmen exchanges should be promoted first. Such finding suggest that the emphasis needs to be shifted from elite sportsmen exchanges towards package sports exchanges including the life sports.
Fifth, 43.2% of the respondents felt it necessary to use the international agencies to activate South and North sports exchanges, 29.4% thought that North Korea's financial burden for sports exchanges should be relieved as much as possible, and 125% perceived that the sports events favorable to North Korea should be suggested to North Korea first, and 4.9% of the respondents opened that South and North sports games should be organized in third nations.
Sixth, the challenge perceived most important by the respondents to promote South and North sports exchanges was periodical exchanges of sports games(481%), followed by single Korean teams for international games(26.1%), construction of the public facilities for sports exchanges(16.1%), exchanges of sports techniques and theories(8.9%) and others(0.8%).
Seventh, 57.0% of the respondents were positive about the effects of sports exchanges on the peaceful unification 29.2% were very positive, and 9.5% were less positive, and 3.6% were negative and 0.8% were very negative about the effects of sports exchanges on the peaceful national unification. In all, 86.2% were more or less positive about the effects of sports exchanges on the peaceful unification.
Lastly, the leader perceived most eligible by the respondents for South and North sports exchanges was sports community as main actor and government as assistant(31.6%), followed by joint efforts of government and sports community(25.0%), government as main actor and sports community as assistant(19.1%), government(10.4%), civic groups(6.4%), sports community(2.8%), private businesses(28%) and others(2.1%). Such a finding suggests that government and sports community should cooperate to promote South and North sports exchanges, and particularly that South and North sports exchanges need to be led by the sports community being supported by the government.
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An Analysis of the relation between sport culture according to types of the social change 스포츠사회학 : 사회환경요구에 의한 여가스포츠 취향성향에 관한 연구
39(4) 197-205, 2000
An Analysis of the relation between sport culture according to types of the social change 스포츠사회학 : 사회환경요구에 의한 여가스포츠 취향성향에 관한 연구
Through this research we could see that two types of taste structure show a power relation in leisure sports. By the development of technique, power, strategy we could find that there are two types of physical movement. The first one is movement according to what the body wants and the second one is movement according to how much human being can socialize with other people through it.
Sports become very mechanical and less dynamic in modern society, and the problem is that it keeps growing that way. I found that people were attending in sports events unwillingly through unseen pressure by the environment. Sports which originated from liberal play was not only developing power in a social mechanism, but paying attention to what the society wants. If a member of that society was to pay more attention to a sport besides the one his society wants, he would be considered as a very weird person. The original goal of sports has been reversed with the method resulted in restricting leisure sports.
Modem people yearn for freedom as it is a question of human identity. That's why it is important for people to find their own identity. In order for us to participate in sports, liberal our body really needs the thoughts the people must change.
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The Effect of Older Adults’ Regular physical on Mental Health 스포츠심리학 : 규칙적 신체활동이 노인들의 정신건강에 미치는 영향
강진철KangJin-Chul , 이충훈LeeChoong-Hoon
39(4) 209-216, 2000
The Effect of Older Adults’ Regular physical on Mental Health 스포츠심리학 : 규칙적 신체활동이 노인들의 정신건강에 미치는 영향
강진철KangJin-Chul , 이충훈LeeChoong-Hoon
The purpose of this study was to examine how regular exercise of the old who are at the age of 65-75 had an effect on their mental health and was to aan6rm the effect of exercise on the aged SCI 90-R which is a handy checkup sheet for mental diagnosis was employed as research tool. We have classified the data collected form the old 338 participants(196 participants, 1% absentees) according to their regular exercise and age. The result of 2-way ANOVA and T inspection was as follow.
To begin with, the mental health index of the participants in regular exercise was lower than that of the old absentee in every factors such as somatization(SOM), obsessive-compulsive(O-C), interpersonal sensitivity(O-C), depression(DEP), anxiety(ANX), hostility(HOS), phobic anxiety (PHOB), paranoid ideation(PAR), psychoticism(PSY).
Secondly, there was no meaningful difference in the mental health according to age.
In short, we may come to the conclusion that the old participants in regular exercise may mentally be healthier than the absentees regardless of their age.
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The Effects of Physical Activity participation on the Loneliness and Depression of the Elderly 스포츠심리학 : 노인의 신체활동 참여가 고독감, 우울에 미치는 영향
김귀봉KimGui-Bong , 송주호SongJu-Ho , 박주영ParkJoo-Yong
39(4) 217-226, 2000
The Effects of Physical Activity participation on the Loneliness and Depression of the Elderly 스포츠심리학 : 노인의 신체활동 참여가 고독감, 우울에 미치는 영향
김귀봉KimGui-Bong , 송주호SongJu-Ho , 박주영ParkJoo-Yong
The purpose of this study tried to find out the effects of their loneliness and negative depression when the elderly people do involve the physical activities according to the amount and degree of them. Through the knowledges of this study the elderly can prepare to obtain their healthy life mentally, emotionally and psychologically. The survey indudes 424 male and female(male:213/ female:211) over 65 years old in Seoul and Kyongki areas. The survey methods of this research are the 5 Likert Scale modified the UCLA Loneliness Scale(10 item) by Won, Hyung-Joong(1984) and the Self-rating Depression Scale(20 item) by Zung and Durham(1965) translated standardized by Yook, Young-Sook(1994). The used statistical methods for the data analysis were relative frequency, cross tabulation, t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, analysis of covariance, multiple classification analysis.
The empirical results of the study were as follows ;
1. Male felt less loneliness and depression than female. Younger generations felt less loneliness and depression than older generations. The higher educational background people felt less loneliness and depression than the lower educational ones. The more they consciously felt healthier the lower they felt them.
2. The elderly involved the physical activities felt less loneliness and depression than the elderly did not.
This kinds of emotional problems are influenced more by the differences of sex, ages, education and health, Regards of this study the elderly can still prevent the loneliness and depression through the participation of the physical activities.
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The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Cognitive Functioning with Physical activity in Older Adult 스포츠심리학 : 노인의 신체활동에 따른 신체적성 및 인지기능간의 관계
김영수KimYoung-Soo , 강성구KangSung-Goo
39(4) 227-237, 2000
The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Cognitive Functioning with Physical activity in Older Adult 스포츠심리학 : 노인의 신체활동에 따른 신체적성 및 인지기능간의 관계
김영수KimYoung-Soo , 강성구KangSung-Goo
The purpose of this study was to analyze a relationship between physical activity, physical fitness and cognitive functioning in elderly. The subjects were selected from the areas of Seoul and Kyunggi in the stratified duster random sampling. The number of original samples was a total of 667 elderly people, among them 55 were discarded and then the data obtained from 612 samples were finally used in this study. The instruments used in the study were both questionnaire and experiment. For cognitive functioning, the standardized K-WAIS, originally developed by Wechsler(1981), was adopted. The study measured digit span, digit symbol and object assembly related to subjects cognitive functioning rather than the whole dimensions of intelligence. In addition, capacity of information process was measured by reaction time (single and selected reaction time). In the test of physical fitness, power was measured by 10m walking using digital stopclock and balance was measured by one foot standing with the eyes dosed A test of strength and flexibility used Dynamometer and Sitting Trunk Flexion Meter. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were One-way ANOVA, Covariance Structure Analysis. Through such data analyzes, this study obtained the results as follows : First; there was a meaningful difference in physical fitness according to the demographic factors, there were clear differences in cognitive functioning according to the demographic factors. Second, there were a significant correlation between physical activity, physical fitness and cognitive functioning.
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Self-efficacy and Performance according to Success or Failure Experience, Achievement Motivation, Anxiety 스포츠심리학 : 성 · 패 경험과 성취동기, 불안 수준에 따른 자기효능감 및 운동수행
문윤제MoonYun-Je , 김종언KimJong-Eon
39(4) 238-247, 2000
Self-efficacy and Performance according to Success or Failure Experience, Achievement Motivation, Anxiety 스포츠심리학 : 성 · 패 경험과 성취동기, 불안 수준에 따른 자기효능감 및 운동수행
문윤제MoonYun-Je , 김종언KimJong-Eon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the casual relationship among achievemen motivation, anxiety, self-efficacy and performance according to success of failure experience elementary school children based on McClelland & Atkinson(1964) theory of achievement motivation, Bandura(1977) model of self-efficacy, and Escarti & Guzman(1999) model of self-efficacy and performance. The participants were 193 elementary school children(boy: 100, girl: 93) in the K city. The participants are measured success or failure experience, achievement motivation, anxiety and self-efficacy were measured for the participants by using questionnaires. The dependant variables of this study is 13m golf putting.
The conclusions obtained from this study;
1. In the analysis of effect of achievement motivation, and anxiety according to success of failure experience on self-efficacy and performance, there are significant relationship between the level achievement motivation and self-efficacy and performance(p<.05).
2. The level of self-efficacy has an positive effect on the performance of elementary school.
3. To improve performance of elementary school, they need to experience of success.
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The Pattern of Movement Time in the Execution of Rapid Sequential Aiming Movement 스포츠심리학 : 연속적 다분절 조준 동작의 제어 전력 형태
39(4) 248-256, 2000
The Pattern of Movement Time in the Execution of Rapid Sequential Aiming Movement 스포츠심리학 : 연속적 다분절 조준 동작의 제어 전력 형태
The purpose of this study is to investigate the pattern of control strategy used in the execution of a series of four rapid sequential movements from home key as a function of movement initiation condition and target size. Twenty-four subjects were asked to execute a total of 40 trials of experimental task both in self-initiated and reaction time conditions toward four small(0.3cm) and/or large(3cm) targets arranged horizontally in equal distance in a 2x2 within-subject design. The inter-target movement times(MTs) along with reaction time(RT) were measured via computer-based recording system and analyzed with 3-way ANOVA with repeated-measures on movement phase. Analyses of MT data disclosed that MT for the first submovement was longest with the time for the second movement segment being in the shortest, while MTs for the third and fourth segments of movement were in between. These results were inconsistent with the findings in the previous studies in which the second movement segment showed the longest MT in the execution of three-segment aiming movement. This discrepancy with the previous findings was discussed in terms of different control strategy used in differing lengths of aiming movements with differing sizes of target.
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The Influence of Anxiety on the Track & Field Performance 스포츠심리학 : 육상경기선수의 경기력과 심리적 불안요소에 관한 연구
39(4) 257-264, 2000
The Influence of Anxiety on the Track & Field Performance 스포츠심리학 : 육상경기선수의 경기력과 심리적 불안요소에 관한 연구
This study aims to examine how the psychological anxiety of both male and female atheletes in their middle and high school may effect on their competitive power.
To achieve the aim, I chose 60 atholetes (39 male and 21 female) who participated in the 29th National Autumn Athletic Meet for Middle and High School Student, and measured their anxiety point using Spielberger's STIL in both ordinary abd pre-event times.
The results by analysing the relation between records and the atheletes are as follows :
1. The anxiety level was higher when they were in game than ordinary time, and this was true without distinction of sex.
2. I investigated their anxiety level by classes : as for the atheletes in best group, the anxiety level was lower in the very day in game than ordinary time : as for the atheletes in middle group. the anxiety level in ordinary time was low, while in game, it was high : and as for the atheletes in bottom group, the anxiety level was lower in ordinary time than the very day it game.
3. As for the anxiety level between male and female, in ordinary time male atheletes's level was lower than female atheletes, while the level during game for male atheletes was higher than female.
4. I compared the anxiety level between atheletes of best and middle groups : the anxiety level of best group in ordinary time was higher than that of middle group, but in the very day in game the anxiety level of middle group was higher than that of best group.
5. The anxiety level of bottom group in ordinary time was higher than that of best group, but in the very day in game the anxiety level of best group was higher than that of group.
6. I also compared the anxiety level between atheletes of middle and bottom groups : the anxiety level of bottom group in ordinary time was higher than that of middle group, in ordinary time was higher than that of middle group, but in the very day in game the anxiety level of middle group was higher than that of bottom group.
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Relationship between Big - 5 Factors and Affects of Participants in Leisure Sport and Exercise 스포츠심리학 : 여가운동 참가자 성격의 Big - 5 요인과 정서의 관계 분석
39(4) 265-275, 2000
Relationship between Big - 5 Factors and Affects of Participants in Leisure Sport and Exercise 스포츠심리학 : 여가운동 참가자 성격의 Big - 5 요인과 정서의 관계 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between Big-5 factors of personality and Affects of participants in leisure sport and exercise. The subjects totalled 442 persons(321-male, 121-female) who participating in leisure sport and exercise(swimmimg, baseball, tennis, paragrading, health(fitness).The age of ranged from 18 to 50. This study was used the 'Questionnaire of Personality' officially approved by Korea Guideance, which was first developed in the name of NEO-PI-R by Costa and McCrae(1992c), was translated into Korean and examined by Ann and Lee(1996), and used the "Questionnaire of Affects' adjusment developed by Jung(1997). An statistics analysis was used exploratory factor analysis for structure validity, Cronbach' α for internal consistency of items, and used the correlation in analysis of the relationahip of Big-5 factors and affects. An IBM Personal computer with SPSS v10.0 was used for the calculations. A significant level of p < .05 was used for all the statistical test.
The results of this study were as follow;
Positive affects showed significantly correlation to the extroversion(.40), openness to experience(.26), conscientiousness(.18), agreeableness(.10), and neuroticism(-12).
Negative affects showed significantly correlation to the neuroticism(.29), conscientiousness(-.29) agreeableness(-.22), extroversion(-.20), and openness to experiece(-.10).
To the conculusion, the participants in the high neuroticism is higher than one in the low neuroticism in negative affects, while the participants in the high extroversion is higher than one in the low extroversion in positive affects. Therefore the personality make influences the behavior of participation in leisure sport and exercise.
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The Comparison about Development of Emotional Intelligence by Types of sports for Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 중학생의 스포츠 활동 유형별 감성지능 발달 비교
정진근JeongJin-Keun , 김정완KimJeong-Whan
39(4) 276-286, 2000
The Comparison about Development of Emotional Intelligence by Types of sports for Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 중학생의 스포츠 활동 유형별 감성지능 발달 비교
정진근JeongJin-Keun , 김정완KimJeong-Whan
This study is designed to examine relation between types of sports and EQ providing basic data in order to develop a reasonable and effective sport program for EQ.
To attain the goal of this study, 30 middle school students from hockey(collective sports), 26 from badminton(man to man sports), and 30 from gymnastics(individual sports) except for 3 incredible responses to inquiries among 89 junior athletics of Pusan Ulsan, and Kyungnam were chosen to to get their M and SD, to draw conclusion which compare EQ and sub-factors of each sports by using the way of One-way ANOVA. The results were as follows.
1. Analysis of EQ In Each Sport
Hockey, badminton, and gymnastics were the highest in emotional perception, followed by emotional control, emotional expression, emotional empathy and emotional application
2. Comparative Analysis of EQ and sub-factors Between Each Sport
First, in terms of the total amount of EQ, the highest was hockey of 45.93 followed by gymnastics of 42.00 and badminton of 40.31. while hockey showed a statistically notable difference in comparison with other sports, there wasn't any notable difference between badminton and gymnastics.
Second, in Emotional Perception, the highest was hockey of 11.80 followed by gymnastics of 10.13 and badminton of 9.54. while hockey showed a statistically notable difference in comparing with other sports, there wasn't any notable differences between badminton and gymnastics.
Third, in Emotional Expression, gymnastics was the highest of 7.93 followed by hockey of 7.80 and badminton of 7.23. there was no statistically notable differences between the three sports.
Forth, in Empathy, hockey was the highest of 8.50 followed by gymnastics of 7.80 and badminton of 7.15. there was no statistically notable differences between the three sports.
Fifth, in Emotional Control, hockey was the highest of 14.83 followed by gymnastics of 13.40 and badminton of 1292. there was no statistically notable differences between the three sports.
Sixth, in Emotional Application, badminton was the highest of 3.46 followed by hockey of 3.00 and gymnastics of 240. there was no statistically notable differences between the three sports.
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Burnout Levels of High school Athletes in sport type and Event Style 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 형태와 종목유형별 고교운동선수들의 탈진정도
조우진ChoWoo-Jin , 이강헌LeeKang-Hun
39(4) 287-295, 2000
Burnout Levels of High school Athletes in sport type and Event Style 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 형태와 종목유형별 고교운동선수들의 탈진정도
조우진ChoWoo-Jin , 이강헌LeeKang-Hun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the burnout levels of high school athletes for sport type and event style. Subjects for this study were each 51 High school male’s athletes according to sport type and event style; total subject of this were 204 athletes. The research tool employed in this study was burnout inventory developed by Song(1999). The data were analized using two-way ANOVA to find out the differences of burnout level.
The results of this study were as the followings :
1. In the emotional exhaustion factor figured out to experience normal burnout but the individual event athletes are experienced high grade burnout in the comparison of extent of burnout And there was not difference in the sports type, but the individual event athletes extent of emotional exhaustion is significantly higher than team event athletes in the event style. And also there was interaction effect between each of group.
2. In the depersonalization factor figured out to experience normal burnout in the comparison of extent of burnout. And there was direct sports athletes extent of depersonalization is significantly higher than parallel sports athletes in the sports type, but not difference in the event style. And also there was interaction effect between each of group.
3. In the personal accomplishment factor figured out to experience high grade in the comparison of extent of burnout. And there was not difference in the sports type, but the team event athletes extent of emotional exhaustion is significantly higher than individual event athletes in the event style. But there was not interaction effect between each of group.
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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Changes of Motor Fitness 스포츠심리학 : 수면박탈이 체력 발현에 미치는 영향
39(4) 296-303, 2000
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Changes of Motor Fitness 스포츠심리학 : 수면박탈이 체력 발현에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sleep deprivation on the changes of motor fitness(100m, 3000m). Subjects were 10 healthy young male physical education students who had volunteered to participate in this study. And they had no histories of significant medical or psychiatric illness as well as sleep related problems. Subjects undergown experiment 1 nights in the laboratory, and they were acclimatized to the experimental sleep condition by spending one night. 100m and 3000m run were measured at 1 weeks before and after sleep deprivation. Data were analyzed by means of t-test using the 7.5 SPSS/PC+.
The main findings of this study were as follows.
1. 100m records between before and after sleep deprivation
There was no significant mean difference(t=-1.44, P>0.05) in the 100m record before and after one night of total sleep deprivation.
2. 3000m records between before and after deep deprivation.
There was significant mean difference(t=-4.50, P<0.001) in the 3000m record before and after one night of total sleep deprivation.
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Contextual Interference Effects in Similar Movement Skill Learning 스포츠심리학 : 유사동작기술 학습에 있어서 맥락간섭효과
39(4) 304-312, 2000
Contextual Interference Effects in Similar Movement Skill Learning 스포츠심리학 : 유사동작기술 학습에 있어서 맥락간섭효과
The purpose of the study was to investigate the production of contextual interference by parameter modifications of same generalized motor program. Subjects were 24 male university students. They were assigned randomly blocked and random conditioning 12 subjects each. The dependent variable was AE and VE in acquisition and transfer trials. The acquisition phase involved putting a golf ball for 72 trials from distance 120cm, 200cm, 300cm. The blocked condition practiced all trials from specific distance before the next distance was introduced. The random condition practiced in a random sequence to ensure that no more than two trials from a distance were performed in succession. The transfer phase involved putting a golf ball for 12 trials from short distance(160cm) and long distance(350cm) There was no significant difference for AE and VE in acquisition phase but random condition performed with significantly smaller to AE and VE at long distance(350an) compared to blocked condition in transfer phase. These findings suggests that practicing with randomization of parameter modification in same generalized motor program is beneficial for motor learning.
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Comparative Analysis on Characteristics of Cardiorespiratory Functions during Anaerobic Exercise in Highly Trained soccer Players 스포츠생리학 : 축구선수의 무산소운동시 심폐기능에 대한 비교분석
강대관KangDae-Kwan , 김기봉KimKi-Bong
39(4) 315-327, 2000
Comparative Analysis on Characteristics of Cardiorespiratory Functions during Anaerobic Exercise in Highly Trained soccer Players 스포츠생리학 : 축구선수의 무산소운동시 심폐기능에 대한 비교분석
강대관KangDae-Kwan , 김기봉KimKi-Bong
The purposes of this study were to analyze the contributions of cardiorespiratory functions during rest and immediate and recovery periods after 10-second anaerobic exercise in highly trained soccer players and to offer the basic scientific informations for the new talent selection and useful anaerobic exercise prescription programs for training the excellent soccer players.
The subjects selected for this study were 14 National delegates, 13 collegiate soccer players and untrained collegiate students.
The subjects were measured on cardiorespiratory functions with treadmill protocol.
The findings of this study were as follows;
There were significantly higher in cardiorespiratory function levels during rest in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and HR, VO2 and VCO2 were significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players.
There were significantly higher in cardiorespiratory function levels at immediate period after 10-second exercise in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and HR, VE and RER were significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players.
There were significantly higher in cardiorespiratory function levels during recovery periods in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students, and V002 and RER were significantly higher in National delegates than collegiate players.
There were significantly higher in HR recovery rate during recovery periods in National delegates and collegiate players than collegiate students.
VO2 and RER at rest, RER at immediate period after 10-second exercise, HR, VE and RER on rate of recovery during recovery periods were effected to prediction for evaluating the levels between National delegates and collegiate students.
The findings of this study indicated that there were significantly higher in many variables of cardiorespiratory functions.
It is concluded that soccer performance is based on the various cardiorespiratory functions, especially ventilation, oxygen consumption and respiratory exchange ratio are the most important components underlying soccer performance in this study.
It is necessary that selecting the excellent talent and developing soccer performance for the National delegates should be done by improving the cardiorepiratory functions, physical fitness and skills.
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The effect of training intensity on body composition and fat cell in rats 스포츠생리학 : 트레이닝 강도의 차이가 쥐의 신체조성과 지방세포에 미치는 영향
The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of difference of training intensity on body composition and fat cell in rats. Rate (n=40) of 4-week age were randomly divided into four groups; control group (CON, n=10), low intensity training group (LT, n=10), moderate intensity training group (MT; n=10),high intensity training group (HT, n=10). The exercise regimen was designed in a 8% grade treadmill with 5 times/week during 8-week. The training speed and (duration) of LT, MT, HT groups were 20m/min (120min), 24m/min (100min), 28m/min (85min) respectively, and the volume of exercise training was equal in three groups.
The results showed that compared with CON group, training groups were the significant decreases in changes of body weight during 8-week, growth rate, % body fat, fat cell size, plasma lipid profiles (TG, TC, HDL-C) (p<.05), and increases % body water (p<05), but there were no significant differences among training intensity. Compared with CON group, training groups showed the tendency of decrease in fat cell number but there were no statistically significant among four groups.
Therefore, the results of this study indicated that the volume of exercise training was more effective than training intensity on the body composition of rats. The training intensity was not significant for the change of body composition, but training volume was effective for decrease in % body fat, body composition and fat cell of rats.
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Prediction & establishment of optimal exercise intensity of each walking speed & duration in obese older wemen 스포츠생리학 : 비만노인여성의 각 걷기 운동속도와 지속시간에 따른 적정 운동강도 설정과 예측
고영완KoYoung-Wan , 김종호KimJong-Ho
39(4) 339-352, 2000
Prediction & establishment of optimal exercise intensity of each walking speed & duration in obese older wemen 스포츠생리학 : 비만노인여성의 각 걷기 운동속도와 지속시간에 따른 적정 운동강도 설정과 예측
고영완KoYoung-Wan , 김종호KimJong-Ho
The purpose of this study was to establish the optimal target heart rate & % maximal heart rate reserve by each walking speed and exercise of duration, and predict relationship of target heart rate by each walking, speed and exercise of duration, and %heart rate reserve by each walking speed and exercise of duration in obese older women.
Twenty-four obese women subjects participated in walking exercise in place for 30minute at each walking cadence(90bpm, 95bpm, 100bpm, 105bpm, 110bpm, 115bpm,120bpm, 125bpm, 130bpm, 135bpm, 140bpm, 145bpm, 150bpm), and the walking exercise in place was randomized using a balanced Latin Square.
To order find out the most appropriate exercise intensity at each walking cadence was estabilshed & predicted intensity of 40% and 55% of heart rate reserve by Karvonen's formula.
Statistical analysis was predicted regression analysis of each walking speed cadence & exercise of duration.
The result are as follow:
1. The actual exercise intensity of % heart rate reserve at 30min during walking was established as 33.0% to 53.7% at 90bpm to 135bpm, 55.0% at over 27minute 30sec of 140bpm, 55.2% at over 23minute of 145bpm, and 55.2% at over 17minute of 150bpm.
2. The predicted % heart rate reserves was established as 40.0% at low 90bpm to 115bpm, 55.0% at over 50minute of 120bpm, 55.0% at over 40mmute of 125bpm, 55.1% at over 34minute 30sec of 130bpm, 56.0% at over 33minnute 30sec of 135bpm, 55.0% at over 29minute of 140bpm, 55.2% at 26minute of 145bpm, 55.5% at 20minute 30sec of 150bpm.
Thus, actual & predicted exercise intensity of over 40% heart rate reserve was established as 110bpm, 115bpm, 120bpm, 130bpm, 135bpm, 140bpm, 145bpm, 150bpm, and actual exercise of intensity of over 55% heart rate reserve was established as 140bpm, 145bpm, 150bpm but predicted exercise intensity was established as 120bpm, 130bpm, 135bpm, 140bpm, 145bpm, 150bpm.
It seems that walking in place by each walking cadence & intensity at exercise of duration may indeed offer an adequate aerobic training stimulus in 70-78-year-old obese women.
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Prediction & establishment of optimal exercise intensity of walking speed & duration in obese older women 스포츠생리학 : 걷기운동 지속시간에 따른 비만노인여성의 적정 걷기 운동속도 설정과 예측
고영완KoYoung-Wan , 서충진SeoChung-Gjin
39(4) 353-370, 2000
Prediction & establishment of optimal exercise intensity of walking speed & duration in obese older women 스포츠생리학 : 걷기운동 지속시간에 따른 비만노인여성의 적정 걷기 운동속도 설정과 예측
고영완KoYoung-Wan , 서충진SeoChung-Gjin
The purpose of this study was to establish the optimal target heart rate & % maximal heart rate reserve by each walking speed and exercise of duration, and predict relationship of target heart rate and exercise of duration, and %heart rate reserve and exercise of duration by each walking speed in obese older women.
Twenty-four obese women subjects participated in walking exercise in place for 30minute at each walking cadence(90bpm, 95bpm, 100bpm, 105bpm, 110bpm, 115bpm, 120bpm, 125bpm, 130bpm, 135bpm, 140bpm, 145bpm, 150bpm), and the walking exercise in place was randomized using a balanced Latin Square.
To order find out the most appropriate exercise intensity at each walking cadence was established & predicted intensity of 40% and 55% of heart rate reserve by Karvonen's formula.
Statistical analysis was predicted regression analysis of each walking speed cadence & exercise of duration, and the Oneway AVOVA with repeated measures total target heart rate & % heart rate reserves by walking speed cadences were used to detect statistical difference.
The result are as follow;
1. prediction & establishment at walking speed cadence and exercise of duration
1) The actual exercise intensity of 40% heart rate reserves was established as 110bpm, to 150bpm at a 20-mimute, 25-minute, and 30-minute walking, and of 55% heart rate reserves established as 150bpm but, the predicted exercise intensity of 55% heart rate reserves was 150bpm, to 200bpm.
2) The actual exercise intensity of 40% of heart rate reserves far an average of 30min during the walking was established as 120bpm to 150bpm at a 20-mimule, 25-minute, and 30-minute walking, but, the predicted exercise intensity of 40% heart rate reserves was established as 120bpm to 160bpm but of 55% heart rate reserves was established as 165bpm to 200bpm.
2. Changs of target heart rate & % heart rate reserve among walking speed cadence
1) Changs of target heart among walking speed cadence
The results of Oneway ANOVA among total target heart rate of walking speed cadences & exercise of durations showed significant different among walking speed cadences(F=164.23, P<0.001).
2) Changs of % heart rate reserve among walking speed acdence
The results of Oneway ANOVA among total % heart rate reserve & exercise of durations showed significant different among walking speed cadences(F=169.03, P<0.001).
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The Effects of Exercise treatment on Cortisol hormone, Immune cells and Immunoglobulin levels in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats 스포츠생리학 : 서로 다른 운동처치에 따른 코티졸 호르몬의 변화가 면역세포와 면역글로불린에 미치는 영향
곽이섭KeakYi-Sub , 백일영PaikIl-Young
39(4) 371-378, 2000
The Effects of Exercise treatment on Cortisol hormone, Immune cells and Immunoglobulin levels in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats 스포츠생리학 : 서로 다른 운동처치에 따른 코티졸 호르몬의 변화가 면역세포와 면역글로불린에 미치는 영향
곽이섭KeakYi-Sub , 백일영PaikIl-Young
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of exercise treatment on Cortisol hormone, Immune cells, and Immunoglobulin levels in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats. Twenty five male rats(six weeks old) were divided into five groups: five control resting (CR), five control exercise (CE), five control aged (CA), and five trained resting (TR), arid five training aged exercise (TAE).
TR and TAE groups of the present study participated in a regular training program five times per week for ten weeks, whereas CR, CE, and CA groups did not participate in the training program In the mean body weight, there was a significant difference between the CE and TR groups (p<0.01). In the mean cortisol hormone, there was significant difference between the CE and TAE groups, whereas CR, CA, and TR groups did not much different.
By regular exercise training, CD4 T lymphocytes, CE4/CD8 T lymphocytes, and CD56 levels were similar between the CR and TR groups. But after highly intensive exercise, there was a significant difference between the CE and TAE groups (p< 0.01). The CD56 level was greatly decreased in the CE group, whereas the CD56 level was increased in the TAE group. Therefore, we can trace the effects as direct results of the aerobic training.
In the immunoglobulin levels, there was no significant difference among the CR, CA, and TR groups (p >0.01), whereas after higher exercise stress, there was significant difference between CE and TAE groups(p<0.01) in the IgA immunoglobulin levels.
In this study, we can conclude that regular exercise training increases immune cell levels(CD4 and CD4/CD8), whereas decreased immune ceil levels by aging in RICO rat. In the higher exercise stress, there was much increased cortisol hormone level, much decreased CD56 level and much decreased IgA immunoglobulin levels in the CE group compared to TAE group, so, we can trace it is the effect of regular swimming exercise in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats.
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A Study on development of motor ability and cardiopulmonary over a preschool child's training prescription effect. 스포츠생리학 : 취학전 아동의 Training 처방 효과에 대한 신체 발육발달 및 호흡순환기능에 관한 연구
39(4) 379-388, 2000
A Study on development of motor ability and cardiopulmonary over a preschool child's training prescription effect. 스포츠생리학 : 취학전 아동의 Training 처방 효과에 대한 신체 발육발달 및 호흡순환기능에 관한 연구
This study was to compare and analyze the development of motor ability and cardiopulmonary over a preschool child's regular training post-prescription effect between two groups, one groups who consists of each male and female eight people's prescription group, the other group is made up each male and female eight people’s non-prescription group, regularly took exercise-physical education and swimming-five times a week more than two years.
This research was proceeded to grasp their physique and the tendency of motor ability development, to contrive their ideal motor ability and growth of the body and to present the basis materials of their cardiopulmonary.
The conclusion of this study was as follows;
1. The comparison of each groups over their physique
In a comparing for physique of training prescription group and comparison one, the physique condition of training prescription group in male and female kindergartener was far higher than the other group. Especially, there was significant difference in male kindergartener's height and weight(p<.01).
2. The comparison of each groups over their motor ability
In a comparing for motor ability of training prescription group and comparison one, there was significant difference in Power(standing broad jump), Agility( 5m shuttle run), Flexibility(trunk extension), Muscle Endurance(sit-up, hang-bar) (p<.05, p<.01, p<.001).
3. The comparison of each groups over their cardiopulmonary
In a comparing for cardiopulmonary of training prescription group and comparison one, there was significant difference in VEmax and VO2max, and the exercise time and distance of training prescription group in male and female kindergartener was higher than the other group and there was significant difference in exercise time and distance(p<.001, p<.01).
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A study on the effect between employees ' health condition and exercise 스포츠생리학 : 직장남성 근로자의 건강상태와 운동실천 정도와의 관련성 연구
39(4) 389-401, 2000
A study on the effect between employees ' health condition and exercise 스포츠생리학 : 직장남성 근로자의 건강상태와 운동실천 정도와의 관련성 연구
This study is designed to provide basic information to help employees stay healthy. For this purpose, the health condition and exercise of 290 subjects from March 27 to June 4, 2000 are correlated The Cornell Medical Index (CM) is used and data is analyzed using SPSSWIN 9.0. Results are as follows:
First, the group who exercise continuously and regularly manifested less health complaints than the other group who do not exercise regularly. These complaints include eye and ear problems, respiratory malfunction, fatigue and gloominess.
Second, the group who exercise for more than five years had less health complaints compared 切 the other group. These complaints involve the heart and blood organs, fatigue and indications.
Third, the group who exercises thrice a week had less health, complaints over the other group. These complaints include eye and ear problems, recurring diseases, gloominess and nervousness.
Fourth, the group who exercise for more than an hour had less health complaints involving exasperation and tension compared to the other group.
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Effect of Resistance Training on Immune Function in Middle aged Women 스포츠생리학 : 저항운동이 중년 여성의 면역 기능에 미치는 영향
39(4) 402-413, 2000
Effect of Resistance Training on Immune Function in Middle aged Women 스포츠생리학 : 저항운동이 중년 여성의 면역 기능에 미치는 영향
Women aged 43yrs were randomly assainged to either resistance exercise (RE, n=8) or control group (C, n=8). RE group completed 24wk of resistance training whereas control group maintained normal activity. Blood samples were obtained from the RE group (atthe same time points as for C group) at rest, week training and week 24 training. Number of red cell, white cell and subset (neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil), peripheral blood lymphocytes (total), T cells, 6 cells, TH/Ts ratio, serum IgG, IgA, IgM levels, NK cells were measured.
The pattern of change over time between groups for number of red cell, white cell and subset (neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil), peripheral blood lymphocytes (total), T cells, B cells, TH/Ts ratio, serum IgG, IgA, IgM levels, NK cells was not significantly different (p<.001) but Within resistance group changes were charaterized by significant increases in PHA proliferration (p<.05).
In summary, these data suggest that resistance training is not associated with change of red cell, white cell and subset (neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil), peripheral blood lymphocytes (total), T cells, B cells, TH/Ts ratio, serum IgG, IgA, IgM levels, NK cells but is associated with % an increases PHA proliferration. these PHA proliferration changes were especially apparent after 24wk of resistance training.
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The effect of exercise on leptin, blood lipid, and body composition of obese children 스포츠생리학 : 운동이 비만아동의 Leptin, 혈중지질 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향
김상원SangWonKim , 강찬금ChanCeumKang
39(4) 414-425, 2000
The effect of exercise on leptin, blood lipid, and body composition of obese children 스포츠생리학 : 운동이 비만아동의 Leptin, 혈중지질 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향
김상원SangWonKim , 강찬금ChanCeumKang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise program cm leptin, blood lipid, and body composition of obese children.
Subjects(age:10-11yr) were divided into two groups; one group(EG) participated exercise program(80min per a day, 4days per a weak, during 12weaks; stretching aerobic exercise, resistance exercise) plus nutritional education program(once a weak, during 5weaks) and the other group(QG) participated nutrition program only.
Measured variables were leptin, blood lipid(TCHO, HDL-C LDL-Q TG, GLU), and body composition(weight, %FM).
Analysis of data was conducted using 2x2 factorial ANOVA repeated measure design
Results of this study were as follows,
First, letpin level of experimental group(EG) was significantly decreased after exercise program(p<.001).
Second, TCHO, LDL-C GLU of BG and CG were decreased after the exercise program. HDL-C, TG of EG and CG were increased after exercise program.
Third, %FM of EG were decreased significantly after exercise program(p<.001).
These results suggest that regular exercise increases energy expenditure, decreases body fat, and increases sensitivity of leptin in obese children.
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The correlation of PeakVO2 and Peak VO2 decrease factors during exercise in NIDDM group 스포츠생리학 : 인슐리 비외존형 집단에서 운동중 최대산소섭취량과 최대산소섭취량 감소요인과의 상관관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of peakVO2 and peakVO2 decrease factors during exercise in NIDDM group
The subjects consisted 71 non-insulin dependent subjects who was aged 40-57 years were cheaked by medical process and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: male group(fasting glucose level>110[mg /㎗, n=46) and female group(fasting glucose level>110[mg/㎗], n=25). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.
Pervious studies have demonstrated that NIDDM group have a reduced exercise capacity compared with age-matched normal subject, the factors for this decrease in exercise capacity are still unclear, thus, this study examined potential correlates of exercise capacity such as age, diabetes duration, metabolic control and duration of hypertension, smoking habits.
Results of this study were as follows.
1. Between the male and female groups %BF and BMI were showed significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01) difference, but weight was not.
2. TCH and peakRPP, peak VO2, Exercise Time were showed significantly(p0.05, p<0.01) difference, but Glucose and TG, HDL, LDL, RestSBP, RestDBP were not significantly difference between the two groups.
3. Duration of NIDDM was significantly(p<0.05/ p0.01) higher in male than female group, but duration of hypertension, duration of smoking were not significantly difference between the two groups.
4. Correlation coefficient with peakVO2 have significant(p<0.01), (p<0.05): Exercise time(r=0.828), Age(r= - 0.375), %Body Fat(r= - 0.535), Duration of NIDDM(r= - 0.333), Duration of smoking(r=- 0.652), TCH(r= - 0.280), LDL(r=-0.239).
Conclusionally, It appears that Age, %Body Fat, duration of smoking, duration of NIDDM, particularly in NIDDM group, may be important in improving exercise capacity (peak VO2) and potentially improving the increased cardiovascular mortality associated with an impaired exercise capacity.
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Characteristics of Isokinetic Knee Joint Muscular Function by Alpine Skier's Performance Levels 스포츠생리학 : 알파인스키 경기력수준별 슬관절의 등속적 근기능 발달 특성
39(4) 435-443, 2000
Characteristics of Isokinetic Knee Joint Muscular Function by Alpine Skier's Performance Levels 스포츠생리학 : 알파인스키 경기력수준별 슬관절의 등속적 근기능 발달 특성
It is assumed that the turning skill in alpine ski is subject to isokinetic muscular function of knee joint. Thus the present investigation was aimed to characterize the isokinetic knee joint muscular function of alpine skiers by their performance levels. In addition, the information derived from the results of study will be applied to improve their performance and a fitness training program The subjects of this study were recruited by their performance levels and consisted of 8 male alpine skiers of the national team (Fis point of 30-70) and 8 male collegiate and the junior alpine skiers (Fis point of 80-150). They were tested for peak torque, the peak torque by %body weight (%BW), the angle of peak torque, the average power, the average power by %BW, the endurance ratio, the total work, the total work by %BW, the ipsilateral balance ratio, and the bilateral balance ratio in their knees using Cybex 770. The peak torque was higher in the high performance group and the maximal extensor was statistically significant (p<.05). The maximal angle of peak torque of extensor was greater in the high performance group and it was significant in left leg (p<.05). The average power was greater in the high performance group and it was significant in the average power by %BW in the left leg (p<.05). The endurance ratio was not different between groups. But the total work of extensor was higher in the high performance group (p<.05). The ipsilateral and bilateral balance ratio was not different between groups, but the chance of juries was higher in the high performance group.
The results suggest that the alpine skiers with the high performance level showed an appropriate knee muscular function to their events. This also suggest that a development of adequate knee joint function is required for being an elite alpine skier.
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Changes of Myonuclei Number and Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms after Muscle Injury 스포츠생리학 : 근손상 후 근핵의 수와 마이오신 중사슬의 변화
김진해KimJin-Hae , 강찬금KangChan-Keum
39(4) 444-452, 2000
Changes of Myonuclei Number and Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms after Muscle Injury 스포츠생리학 : 근손상 후 근핵의 수와 마이오신 중사슬의 변화
김진해KimJin-Hae , 강찬금KangChan-Keum
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of muscle injury on myonuclear number, fiber size and myosin heavy chain(MHC) expression in the human deltoid muscle. The experimental model of penetrating muscle injury to the human deltoid muscle by using a biopsy needle was developed for this study.
Six male swimmers were subjected to a single penetrating muscle injury using a biopsy needle once a week for three weeks, consecutively. Myonuclear number, cross sectional area and MHC expression were determined by using confocal microscopy and gel electrophoresis.
The muscle injury resulted in a nonsignificant increase in the number of myonuclei (from 20.02 ±4.79 to 23.96 ±1.71 at 1wk and 25.31 土3.52 at 2wk) and myonuclei per millimeter (from 115.49 ±23.54nuc./mm to 120.72 土 8.50nuc./mm at 1wk and 127.53 ±15.47nuc./mm at 2wk). However, the fiber cross sectional area was reduced from 3922.6 ± 234Z88㎛2 to 3042.88 ±1846.74/㎛2 at 1wk and 2347.82±576.62㎛2 at 2wk, respectively(p>.05). Thus, the average cytoplasmic volume per myonudeus was reduced in the inured deltoid muscle fibers more than in control fibers (from 33320土 12487.33/㎛3 to 26572.2±18568.53/㎛3 at 1wk 18677,7士4677.91/㎛3 at 1wk). The muscle injury resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the number of fibers expressing type I MHC (43.51 土6.57%→40.75=13.31%) and an increase in the number of fibers expressing type Da (50.99±7.24%→53.73±16.89%) and IIb (4..55%→9.52%).
These results demonstrate that an increase in myonuclear content accompanying a decrease in fiber size, thus changes in the amount of genetic machinery available for muscle regeneration, may represent an additional mechanism for modulating protein content and cell size in response to a penetrating muscle injury.
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The Study of Criterion for Fitness in Korean Elderly 스포츠생리학 : 한국 노인의 체력요인별 평가 기준치 연구
Recently, it has been many of studies about fitness for elderly population but it has not been sufficient for Korean elderly population. Moreover, existing test methods for fitness assessment are very difficult to be performed for elderly population. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find the age-related changes of fitness function and to classify the criteria of fitness level of Korean elderly population Consequently, the data would be available for exercise prescription for elderly population.
The fitness factors of measurement are strength(back strength, grip strength), Muscular endurance(biceps curl, standing from a sitting position on chair), Flexibility(sit-and-reach, back scratch), Cardiovascular endurance(2min walking). Agility(timed up and go, standing up from a supine position), Balance(balancing on one leg with eyes open and closed) and Reaction time.
According: to the normal distribution, fitness level is divided into 5(A,B,C,D,E) grades. The range of age in each group is divided into 65-69years old, 70-74years old, 75-79years old, over 80years old As a result of aging process, the fitness level of each group is significantly reduced.
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The Effect of Melatonin Supplement and Aerobic Exercise on Activities in the GPX(glutathione peroxidase) of Sprague Dawley Rats 스포츠생리학 : 장기간(長期間)의 유산소성운동(有酸素性運動)이 항산화효소(抗酸化酵素)인 GPX(glutathione peroxidase) 활성화(活性化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
39(4) 467-479, 2000
The Effect of Melatonin Supplement and Aerobic Exercise on Activities in the GPX(glutathione peroxidase) of Sprague Dawley Rats 스포츠생리학 : 장기간(長期間)의 유산소성운동(有酸素性運動)이 항산화효소(抗酸化酵素)인 GPX(glutathione peroxidase) 활성화(活性化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of physiological characteristics and antioxidative capacity of sprague dawley rate after a 8-week aerobic exercise. The research result by this experiment is following.
The supplement of melatonin and aerobic exercise showed a significant increase in GPX activity of melatonin group, but the activity of GPX was lower in melatonin exercise group than exercise group.
According to the supplement of melatonin couldn’t know exercise function, free radical related to exercise, but we confirmed, the supplement of melatonin is partially reductive role damage by oxidization stress.
Both in vivo and in vitro experiment appeared antioxidative activity, on this study, melatonin, excellent antioxidative is proved But we are expect continuously on this study. Because don’t this study research mechanism effection, and action according to the degree of strength. If you will be continuously study the foundation of control to exercise disposal and supplement, muscle fatigue, cell injure by high train strength the second disease by gene injure etc are given to the prevention. We will suggest the concretely using method of melatonin.
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Effect of precooling on the record, distance and physiological variables in the front crawl swimming 스포츠생리학 : Precooling이 크롤 기록과 경영 거리 및 생리적 변인들에 미치는 영향
Effect of precooling on the record, distance and physiological variables in the front crawl swimming 스포츠생리학 : Precooling이 크롤 기록과 경영 거리 및 생리적 변인들에 미치는 영향
It was generally known that athletes cannot continue physical performance any more than 39℃ in rectal temperature. This may not exclude the fact that in particularly high motivated individuals, rectal temperature of ≥41℃ may be reached, as reported in elite marathon runners. Moreover, heat adaptation and physical training in heat have been shown to cause a concomitant threshold shift with all autonomous thermoregulatory responses (shivering, vasodilation, sweating, and so forth) to lower body temperature.
In this study, the effect of lowered body temperature (precooling) on the record, distance and possibly related physiological variables in the front crawl swimming was evaluated in 7 male elite swimmers. They were divided into 2 groups, short (n=4) and long (n=3) distance, and performed swimming after precooling and normal resting (control). Exercise protocol was practiced by crossover design.
After precooling the shortened record in 1500m crawl and the longer distance to all-out (voluntary exhaustion) in short distance (p<.05) were shown. Heart rate and mean body temperature were not significantly different between precooling and control. Blood lactate concentrations after precooling were lower than those of control.
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Effects of Capsule L-Glutamine Supplementation after a Submaximal Exercise on Plasma Amino Acid Metabolism and Fatigue 스포츠생리학 : 최대하운동후 캡슐 L-Glutamine 투여가 혈장아미노산 대사 및 피로에 미치는 영향
39(4) 490-506, 2000
Effects of Capsule L-Glutamine Supplementation after a Submaximal Exercise on Plasma Amino Acid Metabolism and Fatigue 스포츠생리학 : 최대하운동후 캡슐 L-Glutamine 투여가 혈장아미노산 대사 및 피로에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of capsule L-gutamine supplementation on plasma amino add metabolism and fatigue, immediately after bicycle ergometer submaximal exercise during 70 min at 60%VO2 max alloted to each subject, this study apply random assigned method by double blind to the subjects right after exercise and after one hour recovery. After 10 subjects are divided to be L-glutamine(mineral water 200㎖+500mg capsule glutamine x 10) supplemented group 5 and placebo(500mg capsule wheat x 10) supplemented group 5 in first experimentation, they are respectively provided with two administration substances through oral supplementation as follow : In 2nd experimentation, the above subjects are supplied with the same substances with the opposite methods after one week, Blood samplings are taken to be at rest, during the exercise, immediately after the exercise, after one hour and two hours recovery. Plasma amino acids were determined by Biochrome 20 Amino Add Analyzer. Blood glucose, lactate, and ammonia were determined by EKTACHEM DT 60II. Plasma TAA, EAA, and NEAA concentrations in the Gln group showed a significantly higher than the PL group at 120min of recovery phase. Plasma BCAA concentrations in the Gln group returned to baseline level at 120min of recovery phase, whereas in the PL group showed decrease at 60 and 120min of recovery phase. AAA/BCAA, AAA/LNAA, Trp/BCAA, and Trp/LNAA ratio in the Gln group showed not significant change at 1- and 2-hour of recovery phase, while PL group showed relatively higher than the resting value. Plasma glucose concentrations in the Gln group returned to baseline level at 1- and 2-hour recovery phase, but PL group showed decrease at 60min of recovery phase. Plasma ammonia and lactate concentrations in the Gin group showed relatively lower than the PL group at 60 and 120min recovery phase, but no significant differences between two groups.
We can make it sure in this above results that the supplementation of capsule L-glutamine in one hour after recovery phase and in immediately after submaximal exercise during 70 minutes(60%VO2max) is found to have a proper maintenance of plasma amino add concentrations, and to have a positive effect on restraining and decreasing the increase of the ratio between AAA/BCAA and Trp/BCAA which were made by occurrence factor of central fatigue. We can't make it sure that there is the relationship both glutamine and aspects of change in blood fatigue substances such as lactate and ammonia in recovery phase. Therefore, it is required that the detailed repetition research should be go on. It is necessary that the continuous following study an effective value of glutamine such as nutritional ergogenics in recovery phase should be continuted in domestic research.
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최대하운동, 글루타민, 아미노산 글루코스, 젖산, 암모니아
The effect of Detraining and Retraining on body compositon, blood lipids and hormonal response of obese adolescents 스포츠생리학 : Detraining과 Retraining이 비만청소년의 체성분, 혈중지질 및 호르몬 반응에 미치는 영향
39(4) 507-520, 2000
The effect of Detraining and Retraining on body compositon, blood lipids and hormonal response of obese adolescents 스포츠생리학 : Detraining과 Retraining이 비만청소년의 체성분, 혈중지질 및 호르몬 반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate an effect of detraining and retraining on body composition, blood lipids and hormonal response of obese adolescents after a 8 weeks of training (in parallel) with caloric restriction. For this study, 20 obese male-students of middle school in Seoul were chosen as subjects. These subjects were divided into three groups and they took part in a twenty-week experiment. The subjects were separated into three types of groups. One group consisted of 6 members with a 4 weeks of detraining and 8 weeks of retraining after a 8 weeks of training. Another group of 7 members with a 8 weeks of detraining and a 4 weeks of retraining after a 8 weeks of training. The control group had 7 members without any exercises and any caloric restriction.
In training and retraining program, caloric restriction(2,000kcaI/day) and swimming training was practiced simultaneously. In swimming training, the intensity was respectively at 60-80% HRmax (130~160 beat/min), The length was 60 min/day, the frequency was 3times/week. The quantity of caloric exhaustion in swimming training was planned to be over 1,800kcal/week.
The experimental results from these courses are the following.
1) The effect of training
As a result of a 8 weeks of training, this study drew the following conclusion FM of body composition variables showed a meaningful decrease in 4 weeks and 8 weeks comparing to the previous measurement. WHR showed a meaningful decrease in 4 weeks and 8 weeks comparing to the previous measurement. TG of blood lipids variables showed a meaningful decrease in 4 weeks and 8 weeks comparing to the previous measurement. HDL-C showed a meaningful increase in 4 weeks and 8 weeks comparing to the previous measuremesnt. Like this; a 8 weeks of training had an effect on body composition and blood lipids.
2) Changes in detraining
This study drew the following conclusion after a 4·8 weeks of detraining. FFM showed a meaningful decrease after a 8 weeks of detraining, SLM showed a meaningful increase after a 8 weeks of detraining TG showed a meaningful increase each after 4·8 weeks of detraining, Leptin showed a meaningful increase after a 4 weeks of detraining, like this, more and more the period of detraining is long, detraining had a great effect on body composition, blood lipids, hormones variables , but it didn't show a negative influence on them directly resulting from the previous training effect In the other hand, FFM, TG and Leptin showed a sensitive response in a negative way in a 4(8) weeks of detraining.
3) The effect of retraining
This study drew the following conclusion as a result of a 4 · 8 weeks of retraining TC showed a meaningful decrease after a 8 weeks of retraining, TG showed a meaningful decrease after a 4 · 8 weeks of retraining. Leptin showed a meaningful decrease after a 4 · 8 weeks of retraining. Like this, retraining had a great effect on blood lipids and hormones variables and it took over 8 weeks for retraining to bring on meaningful changes. TC, TG and Leptin showed a sensitive response and the most active response in the positive way.
Synthesizing all the results, swimming training program with a caloric restriction had a positive effect on body composition(FM, WHR) and blood lipids(TG) after 8 weeks of training. Detraining had an effect on FFM, SLM, TG and Leptin. Retraining had an effect on TC TG and Leptin In other words, body composition variable was under the fewest influence until 4 weeks of training. Retraining had an effect on TG and Leptin. Therefore, to reduce body fat of obese adolescents and to improve their physical constitution, a proper dietetic treatment and continuous aerobic exercises must be practiced simultaneously. Furthermore, In order to maximize the effect of training, it will be better to shorten the period of detraining and to begin retraining quickly.
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A Characteristics on Left Ventricular Structure · Function and Artery Blood Flow Change in Women According to Aerobic Exercise Participation 스포츠생리학 : 유산소성 운동참여 여성들의 좌심실 구조 · 기능 및 동맥 혈류변동 특성
A Characteristics on Left Ventricular Structure · Function and Artery Blood Flow Change in Women According to Aerobic Exercise Participation 스포츠생리학 : 유산소성 운동참여 여성들의 좌심실 구조 · 기능 및 동맥 혈류변동 특성
The purpose of this study was to analyze A characteristics on the left ventricular structure and function, and the artery blood flow change in women according to aerobic exercise particpation. The experimental group have been doing regular exercise, but the I group have not done regular exercise. According to the career of aerobic exercise, the experimental group have been classified into group II (less than three months of exercise), group Ⅲ (four years of exercise), and group IV (nine years of exercise). During the research, the left ventricular structure and its functional parameters have been examined by the ultrasonocardiograph. The artery blood flow parameters have been examined by TCD. As a result of the analysis of all the parameters of each examined group we can conclude as follows:
1. In the LVID, LVIDd showed significant difference between groups such as p<01. LVIDs showed significant difference between the experimental groups as well as the I groups such as p< .05. The order of LVPWd was group II, group II and group IV. The LVPWd of group IV was a little higher than others’. But there was no significant difference between groups (p >.05). The orders of LVPWs, IVSd and IVSs for the I groups were group II, group Ⅲ and group IV. Group IV's of three variables were higher than others', but there's no significant difference between groups(p>.05).
2. In the LVDV and LVSV of the left ventricle's parameters, there was significant difference between groups (p<.05). The LVmass, SV, EF, and HR were showed significant difference between groups(P<.01). The HR of group IV was the lowest as compared with that of the I group, so group IV was capable of using the inhaled oxygen more efficiently than other groups.
3. The PBV of group IV is the highest as compared with that of group II. There was significant difference between groups (p<.01). In the MBV group IV and group ID were the highest among them. There was significant difference between groups (p<.01).
As a result of the consideration given above, those women who have participated in long-term aerobic exercise have their left ventricle's function enhanced as a result that the extra capacity of the left ventricles can be improved and the left ventricular structure has been strengthened in part, but the improvement of the left ventricular posterior wall thickness is thought to be dubious. But in addition to the improvement of those functions such as LVD, LVmass and SV, the efficiency of the arterial Wood circulation has been more improved. Therefore, some aerobic exercise programs appropriate to the physical capacity of women of various ages will be expected to be developed.
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Relationship between Skeletal Maturation and Physique, Body composition of Adolescents 스포츠생리학 : 남녀 청소년들의 골격성숙도와 체격, 신체유형, 신체구성의 관계
송종국SongJong-Kook , 유승희YooSeung-Hee
39(4) 534-545, 2000
Relationship between Skeletal Maturation and Physique, Body composition of Adolescents 스포츠생리학 : 남녀 청소년들의 골격성숙도와 체격, 신체유형, 신체구성의 관계
송종국SongJong-Kook , 유승희YooSeung-Hee
The aims of this study were to investigate the present status of skeletal maturation and to analyze interrelationship between skeletal maturity and physique, somatotype and body composition in middle school boys and girls aged 13-14 years. The subjects consisted of a total of 412 adolescents including 193 boys and 291 girls of 13-14 years of chronological age(CA). Anthropometric characteristics included body mass, stature, sitting height, bone widths, circumferences, and skinfold thicknesses. The three somatotype components were calculated by Heath-Carter anthropometric method. Body composition variables were evaluated by bioelectrical impedance analysis(B!A Model 310).
Skeletal maturation was assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse Ⅱ method. Relative skeletal age was calculated as the difference between skeletal age and chronological age. Skeletal age was determined by RUS scores(radius, ulna, and short bones). All analyses were carried out by the SAS computer programs(SAS Institute, 1988). Means and standard deviations were calculated and Pearson Product Moment correlations and partial correlations were applied. To compare skeletal maturity status between sex T-test was used and comparisons among maturity groups were obtained by means of analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Duncan’s a posteriori tests.
The results showed that significant differences(p<0.001) were found for RUS, Carpals, TW20 scores, skeletal age and relative skeletal age between boys and girls. Girls are more advanced in skeletal matuation than boys. However, 14 years old boys were higher for skeletal age and relative skeletal than girls. With respect to the relationship between skeletal age and anthropometric characteristics highest correlations were obtained between sitting height and skeletal age in boys. Also stature and body mass were significantly associated with skeletal age. For girls body mass(0.30 ~0.35) was significantly related to skeletal age. There were also significant correlations between sitting height(0.31 ~0.32), circumferences (0.12~0.37) and skeletal age. Endomorphy was positively related to skeletal age, but negative correlation with mesomorphy. For body composition variables fat-free mass and total body water were significantly related with skeletal age in boys, and percent body fat(0.3 5~0.44) and fat mass(0.32~0.39)were correlated with skeletal age. There were significant differences among skeletal maturity groups far anthropometric characteristics and somatotype and body composition variables. Advanced boys have significantly higher stating sitting height, fat-free mass and total body water than that of retarded boys. Significant differences were found for body mass, sitting height, circumferences, percent body fat and fat mass among maturity groups in girls.
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The Effect of Far Infrared Radiation Sportswear on Cardiopulmonary, Blood Lactate, and Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption during Maximal Exercise in College Male Students. 스포츠생리학 : 원적외선 방사 운동복 착용이 최대 운동시의 심폐기능과 혈중젖산 및 회복기 초과 산소 소비량에 미치는 영향
여남회YeoNam-Hwosh , 이준희LeeJun-Hee
39(4) 546-553, 2000
The Effect of Far Infrared Radiation Sportswear on Cardiopulmonary, Blood Lactate, and Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption during Maximal Exercise in College Male Students. 스포츠생리학 : 원적외선 방사 운동복 착용이 최대 운동시의 심폐기능과 혈중젖산 및 회복기 초과 산소 소비량에 미치는 영향
여남회YeoNam-Hwosh , 이준희LeeJun-Hee
The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility and the effect of far infrared radiation sportswear on cardiopulmonary, Blood lactate, and excess postexercise oxygen consumption(EPOC) during maximal exercise in college male students. The subjects were 12 college male students who were ail participated in treadmill graded exercise test for placebo and experimental group. Experimental group got on far infrared radiation sportswear and placebo group got on regular sportswear for 15 hours a day during four days respectively. Statistical analysis were performed using analysis of variance t-test and paired t-test, accepting level for all significance was above α =0.05 and α =0.01.
The present data demonstrated that far infrared radiation sportswear led to significant improvement in VO2max(4%), exercise time(9%; P<0.05), recovery oxygen uptake(18%; P<0.05), and EPOC(32%; P<0.05) during maximal exercise. But blood lactate level of experimental group showed 21%(P<0.01)lower at maximal exercise.
These results suggest far infrared radiation sportswear is effective for the improvement maximal exercise performance and recovery level.
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The effect of detraining on cholesterol metabolism of obese male adolescents 스포츠생리학 : 운동중지가 비만남자청소년의 콜레스테롤 대사에 미치는 영향
윤석창YoonSeok-Chang , 성봉주SungBong-JU
39(4) 554-565, 2000
The effect of detraining on cholesterol metabolism of obese male adolescents 스포츠생리학 : 운동중지가 비만남자청소년의 콜레스테롤 대사에 미치는 영향
윤석창YoonSeok-Chang , 성봉주SungBong-JU
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of 8-week detraining after 8-week swimming on the spontaneous caloric restriction and the changes of the cholesterol metabolism in obese adolescents. 12 males were selected as the experimental objects for this study. They were over 30% Body fat, without risk factor during training and never attended in any obese therapy course before. The exercise regimen was composed of the spontaneous caloric restriction and the schedule of swimming program, 1 hrs/day, 3 days/week The intensity of the swimming program was respectively at 60~80%HRmax(130~160 beat/min).. The calorie restrict regimen was about 2,000kcal/day. The variable was measured to the TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, TC/HDL at pre-test 4W, 8VV, 12W(4-week detraining), 16W(8 weeks detraining). The Independant & Paired t-test Measure was used and Tukey was treated for the post hoc testing(p<0.05).
The results was as following;
(1) The TC of the exercise group after 8-week swimming was not changed significantly. The TC after 8-week detraining was not changed significantly.
(2) The TG of the exercise group after 8-week swimming was not changed significantly. The TG after 4 and 8-week detraining was increased significantly.
(3) The LDL-C of the exercise group after 8-week swimming was not changed significantly. The LDL-C after 8-week detraining was not changed significantly.
(4) The HDL-C of the exercise group after 8-week swimming was not changed significantly. The HDL-C after 8-week detraining was not changed significandy.
(5) The TC/HDL-C of the exercise group after 8-week swimming was not changed significantly. The TC/HDL-C after 8-week detraining was not changed significantly.
8-week detraining after 8-week swimming on the spontaneous caloric restriction dose not give significant change in cholesterol metabolism. But the TG level showed sensitive change.
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스포츠생리학 : Effect of Intensity of upper body exercise on magnitude and duration of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
39(4) 566-575, 2000
스포츠생리학 : Effect of Intensity of upper body exercise on magnitude and duration of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
This investigation was designed to examine the effect of intensity of upper body exercise on both magnitude and duration of EPOC with exercise energy expenditure held constant. Ten physically active females performed three submaximal bouts of arm ergometer exercise that elicited an energy expenditure of 50 kcal. The exercise intensities were 35%, 55%, and 75% of their previously determined VO2max, and exercise tests were administered in a counter balanced order. The baseline VO2 and HR were established as the average over the last 10 min of a 30 min seated rest VO2 and HR were continuously monitored until VO2 returned to baseline. No significant difference was noted in the baseline measures among the three exercise groups. Magnitude of EPOC(p<.05) and duration of EPOC(p<.05) were significantly greater following 75% VO2max exercise, while 55% and 35% did not differ in response(M土SD magnitude and duration; 75% = 8.01 ±3.31 kcal, 28.43 ±15.47 min; 55% = 3.56±228 kcal, 11.71 ±8.24 min; 35% = 3.22±1.16 kcal, 8.71 ±3.45 min). Although these exercise conditions failed to elicit a prolonged EPOC, magnitude of EPOC following 75% exercise was significant with regard to the total energy expenditure of exercise. In conclusion, the results suggest that 75% VO2max exercise has a greater effect on both magnitude and duration of EPOC than 35% and 55% VO2max exercise.
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The Effects of Aerobic, Weight and Combined Training on Aging-related Hormone of Men in their Fifties 스포츠생리학 : 24 주간 유산소 운동, 근력 운동 및 복합운동이 50대 남성의 노화 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
39(4) 576-588, 2000
The Effects of Aerobic, Weight and Combined Training on Aging-related Hormone of Men in their Fifties 스포츠생리학 : 24 주간 유산소 운동, 근력 운동 및 복합운동이 50대 남성의 노화 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of aerobic, weight and combined training on TSH, DHEA-S, Testosterone, Growth hormone of men in their fifties. The subjects were chosen by 10 aerobic training group, 10 weight training group and 10 combined training group which are fifty aged male who are 50 ~ 59 years old. The subjects was examined through 24 weeks by 60~70% HR max(aerobic training group), 15 ~ 18RM (weight training group), five times training per a week, 40 min. per a day. After the treatment the subjects hormones which are TSH, DHEA-S, Testosterone, Growth hormone was measured.
There is not difference among aerobic training, weight training and combined training group after training during 24 weeks on TSH. As compared with the period, there is difference significantly in all groups. Interaction effect of between group and training period is not difference.
There is not difference among aerobic training weight training and combined training group after training during 24 weeks on DHEA-S. As compared with the period, there is difference significantly in all groups. Interaction effect of between group and training period is difference significantly in all groups.
There is difference significantly among aerobic training, weight training and combined training group after training during 24 weeks on Testosterone and Growth hormone. As compared with the period, there is difference significantly in all groups. Interaction effect of between group and training period is difference significantly in all groups.
According to the result of this study, TSH, DHEA-S, Testosterone, Growth hormone are increased significantly(P<0.0001) aerobic training group,weight training group and combined training group after each training during 24 weeks. As compared with the period, there is significant difference in all groups. Interaction effect of between group and training period is difference significantly on DHEA-S, Testosterone, Growth hormone in all groups. Also, Change of dependent variables through training period is difference significantly after 24 weeks than 12 weeks in all groups.
Conclusion to be effect of aging delay for men their fifties what sort of training type. Accordingly men their fifties will have to continue to enforce by add to weight training for improve effect of aging delay. Generally enforce 60-70% HRmax. aerobic training also weight training of 15~18RM(3 set 2 min rest after 1 set) product to hormone secretion Only influence to effect of anti-aging hormone secretion appear that in training type in aerobic training < combined training < weight training order more large.
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The Effect of Long-term Tennis Exercise on the Blood Pressure, Cardiopulmonary Functions and blood Lipids in the Middle-aged Women 스포츠생리학 : 장기간의 테니스운동이 중년여성의 혈압, 심폐기능 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
장원기JangWon-Ki , 김기봉KimKi-Bong
39(4) 589-600, 2000
The Effect of Long-term Tennis Exercise on the Blood Pressure, Cardiopulmonary Functions and blood Lipids in the Middle-aged Women 스포츠생리학 : 장기간의 테니스운동이 중년여성의 혈압, 심폐기능 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
장원기JangWon-Ki , 김기봉KimKi-Bong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of lang-term tennis exercise on the blood pressure, cardiopulmonary functions and blood lipids of the middle-aged women. The 14 women 40s aged were selected as subjects. They were divided into exercise group and non-exercise group. The first group was 7 women who were playing tennis more than 4 times a week, more than 1 and half hour a day, and during 5 years or more, and the second one was also 7 middle-aged women were healthy but have never taken regular exercise. Between exercise group and non-exercise group, SBP, DBP, HRrest, VO2max, TC, TG, HDLrQ LDL-C, and TC/HDL-C were compared and analyzed
The conclusions of the study were as follows ;
1. The differences of the blood pressures between exercise group and non-exercise group were not significant and they were all normal levels in both groups.
2. In the cardiopulmonary functions between two groups there were significant differents in HRrest (p<.05) and VO2max(p<.01).
3. In the blood lipids between two groups there were significant differents in TG, LDL-C, and TC/HDL-C (p<.01) and HDL-C (p<.001).
It is concluded that there were significant differents in the cardiopulmonary functions and blood lipids except blood pressure and TC between exercise group and non-exercise group and the long-term tennis exercise is effective to improving some physiological benefits..
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The comparision of the lebels of blood lipids and the degree of physical fitness in osteoarthritis and control groups 스포츠생리학 : 퇴행성 슬관절염 환자의 혈중지질 및 체력에 관한 연구
The comparision of the lebels of blood lipids and the degree of physical fitness in osteoarthritis and control groups 스포츠생리학 : 퇴행성 슬관절염 환자의 혈중지질 및 체력에 관한 연구
Objectives :
To compare the lebels of blood lipids and changes in Vo2max, HRmax and muscle strength of the knee joint, between 15 osteoarthritis patients and healthy middle aged subjects.
Results :
1) There were no differences between the two groups in TG and total cholesterol levels, but HDL-C levels showed significant differences (p < .05).
2) The TG levels was higher by 1.89% in osteoarthritis group.
3) The total cholesterol levels was higher by 1.58% in osteoarthritis group..
4) The HDL-cholesterol levels was lower by 30.23% in osteoarthritis group (p < .05).
5) No differences were observed between two groups in Vo2max and HRma
6) During the isokinetic exercise, no differences were observed between two groups in left extension, right extension and right flexion of peak torque of knee joint, but significant differences were observed with left flexion (p < .05).
7) During the isokinetic exercise, no differences were observed between two groups in right extension of total work of knee joint, but significant differences were observed with left flexion, left extension and right flexion (p < .05).
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The Study of Leg muscle strength and bone mineral density in Korean abroading student and immegration adults men Living in LA 스포츠생리학 : LA 지역 한인 남성들의 근력과 골밀도에 관한 연구
Jungyoun-soo , Leeseung-joo
39(4) 613-622, 2000
The Study of Leg muscle strength and bone mineral density in Korean abroading student and immegration adults men Living in LA 스포츠생리학 : LA 지역 한인 남성들의 근력과 골밀도에 관한 연구
Jungyoun-soo , Leeseung-joo
Age differences of leg muscle strength and bone mineral density in 20-72 years Korean men with immegator and hording students living in LA. We were recruted korean community 11 subjects 20-29years hording student (25.45土216》, 8 subjects 30-39years another bording student (3488土14.22), 11 subjects 50-72 years immegrator (61.55 ±6.68) in this study according to the age differences relative leg muscle strength and bone mineral density, and than predicted of osteoporosis in men.
Knee flexion strength was measured at 15, 30, 45 ° /sec knee extension 30, 45, 60 ° /sec, while Isokinetic knee extension concentric and eccentrtic were measured at 15 to 80 ° /sec motion range through 60degree speed/min.
This study results was no significant between 20 and 30 ages, but has were significant (p<.05) between 2, 30 ages and 5, 60 ages in muscle strength. The Spine T-score were not osteoporosis, but we were find osteopenia. For all subjects combined the Isokinetic extension concentric, Isometric extension, total lean were correlated with Whole body BMD, Hip BMD, Spine(Ll-L4) BMD. Weight covariate parcial were correlation in Hip and Spine (1-4) BMD. Simple regression analysis using by weight showed whole body BMD=64.162(Wt)+3.1619 R2=0.3018 (p<01), while using by age showed whole body BMD=0.0015(age)+1.175 R2=0.096(p<.05). Concluded that for these subject minized lost bone health, muscle strength are require regulatory activity, weight bearing exercise.
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The effects of detraining during off-season on health-related fithness level of pro-basketball players 스포츠생리학 : 시즌후 훈련중지가 프로농구선수의 건강관련 체력 수준에 미치는 영향
39(4) 623-637, 2000
The effects of detraining during off-season on health-related fithness level of pro-basketball players 스포츠생리학 : 시즌후 훈련중지가 프로농구선수의 건강관련 체력 수준에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of detraining during off-season on the health-related fitness factors(flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, and cardiopulmonary endurance) of male basketball players. The subjects for this study were twenty healthy people who were divided into detraining group(N=10) and continuous training group(N=10). The detraining group haven’t been trained for 6 weeks. The conclusions were summarized as follow ;
1. The decrease of flexibility in the detraining group appeared in the 3rd week. The increase of flexibility in the continuous training group appeared in the 3rd week. The all data were statistically different in 3rd week
2. The decrease of lower extremity strength in the detraining group appeared within the 4th week, live increase of lower extremity strength in the continuous training group appeared after the 4th week. The ail data were statistically different in almost 4th week.
3. The decrease of lower extremity muscular endurance in the detraining group appeared within the 2nd week. The increase of lower extremity muscular endurance in the continuous training group appeared after the 4th week. The all data were statistically different in almost 2nd and 4th weeks.
4. The decrease of VO2max in the detraining group appeared in the 4th week. The increase of VO2max in the continuous training group appeared in the 4th week. The all data were statistically different in 4th weeks.
The changes of health-related fitness factors in detraining group were faster than those of continuous training group. These results showed that the players experienced detraining periods would have been injured as long as retraining. Therefore I think that the pro-basketball players as well as the other players and steps must plan the annual exercise program after understanding the changes of physiological adaptation appearance in detraining periods.
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The effect of exercise and electrical stimulation on the recovery of gastrocnemius after sciatic nerve crush of SD-rat 스포츠생리학 : 흰쥐의 좌골신경 손상 후 운동과 전기 자극이 비복근의 회복에 미치는 영향
The effect of exercise and electrical stimulation on the recovery of gastrocnemius after sciatic nerve crush of SD-rat 스포츠생리학 : 흰쥐의 좌골신경 손상 후 운동과 전기 자극이 비복근의 회복에 미치는 영향
This study was performed to evaluate the effect of exercise and electrical stimulation on the recovery of gastrocnemius after sciatic nerve crush of the SD rats.
Forty-two Sprague-Dawley rats(male, between 180 to 220g) were divided into 4 groups; exercise(SWIM, n=10), electrical stimulation(ES, n=10), crush(n=11) and sham(n=11).
To evaluate the function of the sciatic nerve, twitch tension, conduction velocity and fatigue were measured 5weeks after the injury.
The twitch tension, conduction velocity and fatigue were analyzed using ons-way ANOVA to determine whether any significant differences existed between the four treatment groins.
The twitch tension and conduction velocity, 5weeks-after the crush was more recovery to normal in ES and SWIM.
The fatigue indices in the recovery phase from sciatic nerve crush were not significantly different between the group.
These results suggest that swimming and electrical stimulation performed during reinnervation may assist on the recovery of gastrocnemius after sciatic nerve crush.
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Effect of Exercise Intensity by Treadmill on Body Weight and Growth Hormone Response in Rat 스포츠생리학 : 흰쥐의 트레드밀에 의한 운동강도가 체중과 호르몬 반응에 미치는 영향
한성섭HanSung-Sup , 이세형LeeSe-Hyung
39(4) 645-653, 2000
Effect of Exercise Intensity by Treadmill on Body Weight and Growth Hormone Response in Rat 스포츠생리학 : 흰쥐의 트레드밀에 의한 운동강도가 체중과 호르몬 반응에 미치는 영향
한성섭HanSung-Sup , 이세형LeeSe-Hyung
To investigate effects of rats' treadmill movement by each different exercise intensity on serum lipid and hormone response 72 male white rats of Sprague Dawley (8 weeks of age) were divided into the four exercise groups (RAG of 12 rats, RBG of 15 rats, RCG of 14 rats, RDG of 16 rats) and the one control group (CG of 15 rats). The adaptation training to the environment and the adaptation training to the treadmill running were performed for each 2 weeks, with the exercise intensity of RAG (10~21m/ min, 0°~7°), RBG (10~17.6m/min, 0°~5°), RCG (8~13m/min, 0°~3°)/ RDG (8m/min, 0°) respectively, 30 min/day, 4 times/week during 12 weeks' exercise. Comparing the exercise groups with the control group after exercise, I analyzed the levels of the serum lipid and hormone response between them.
The conclusion acquired was as follows:
1. Compared with the control group the RAG among the exercise groups significantly decreased RBG and RCG in the body weight of each group, respectively.
2. Compared with the control group the RAG group significantly decreased, RBG among the exercise groups significantly increased RCG and RDG in the secretion level of growth hormone each group, respectively.
These results showed that the body weights in white rats' treadmill exercise were paiticularly reduced as the intensity of exercise was higher.
The growth hormone secretion decreased in the higher strength than that of the control, but it increased in the optimal exercise strength in comparison with the control.
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The correlation between body compositon, basic fitness, isokinetic exercise, and golf score in golf athletes 스포츠생리학 : 골프선수의 신체조성, 기초체력 및 등속성운동과 경기성적의 상관관계
39(4) 654-661, 2000
The correlation between body compositon, basic fitness, isokinetic exercise, and golf score in golf athletes 스포츠생리학 : 골프선수의 신체조성, 기초체력 및 등속성운동과 경기성적의 상관관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between body composition, basic fitness, isokinetic exercise, and golf score in golf athletes
Subjects were high school golf athletes (68samples). Analysis of data was conducted using frequency analysis, correlation.
Results of this study were as follows,
First, there was correlation between height(r=.267), weight(r=.271), girth of chest(r=.385), girth of wais(r=.278), WHR(r=.277), %body fat(r=.259), and golf score.
second, there was correlation between chest(r=.358), subscapular(r=.335)/ midaxillary(r=.327)/ abdominal(r=.273)/ triceps(r=.294), and golf score.
third, there was sit-ups(r=.-.281), back strength(r=-.257), trunk extension(r=-.360)(, trunk flexion(r=-.265),trunk twist(left)(r=-.302), trunk twist(right)(r=-.275), and golf score.
fourth, there was left shoulder extension(r=-.252) in 60 °/sec peak torque, right shoulder extension(r:=-.246) in 180 °/sec peak torque, and golf score.
fifth, there was left shoulder extension(r=-.467), right shoulder flexion(r=-.371), right knee extension(r=-.309) in 60 °/sec peak torque per body weight, right shoulder extension(r=-.246) in 180 °/sec peak torque per body weight, and golf score.
sixth, there was right knee flexion(r=-.290) in 60 °/sec mean power, right knee extension(r=-.267) in 180 °/sec mean power, and golf score.
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A Study of the Pull Movement in the Snatch Weight Lifting 운동역학 : 역도 인상 경기의 풀 동작에 관한 연구
39(4) 665-674, 2000
A Study of the Pull Movement in the Snatch Weight Lifting 운동역학 : 역도 인상 경기의 풀 동작에 관한 연구
This study is to increase the sports performance of weight lifting players who are in the development period in the high school, as it examines the changing pattern of exercise variables according to the increasing weight. For the purpose of study, it is designed for each high-school player to lift weight up to 80%, 90%, and 100% of his best record in the snatch, while recording the movement of exercise using two video cameras and three dimensional movement analysis system.
The results of the study are as follows:
1) In general, the locus of the bar shows slim reverse S type. As the weight of barbell increases, it shows a narrower type.
2) As the weight of barbell increases, the highest vertical height of the center of the bar decreases. The highest height lifted with the weight of 100% shows 77~83 percent of the stature.
The spent time of lifting barbell from the first pull to the second pull decreases as the weight of barbell increases. However, the spent time of up to squat catching has not chained at all as the weight of barbell
4) In the curve line of the vertical speed in the bar, there was the first apex at the beginning moment of the second pull and the second apex at the end of the second pull. Moreover, as the weight of barbell increases, the highest vertical speed of the center of the bar, human body, and the system decreases.
5) In the pull movement interval, the time of the fastest vertical speed in the center bears no relation to the increasing weight, but shows at the end of the second pull in the order of human body, system, and bar.
6) In the pull movement interval, the time the fastest vertical speed centered on joint is in the order of shoulder > hip > elbow > knee > wrist at the time of barbell weight 80%. It shows differently at the time of barbell weight 100%, ranking shoulder > elbow > hip > knee > wrist, However, the fastest vertical speed regardless of the weight is in the order of wrist > elbow > shoulder > hip > knee.
7) According to the increasing weight, the curve line of hip, knee, and ankle does not show any variation while knee and ankle show two apexes.
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Influence of Walking Speed on Kinetics of Joints of Lower Limbs 운동역학 : 보행시 속도변화에 따른 하지관절의 운동역학적 분석
김로빈KimRo-Bin , 이성철LeeSung-Cheol , 진영완JinYoung-Wan
39(4) 675-687, 2000
Influence of Walking Speed on Kinetics of Joints of Lower Limbs 운동역학 : 보행시 속도변화에 따른 하지관절의 운동역학적 분석
김로빈KimRo-Bin , 이성철LeeSung-Cheol , 진영완JinYoung-Wan
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of walking speed on the angle of lower limbs joint, the ground reaction force, and the joint moment. The subjects were 10 undergraduate and graduate students in their 20s with normal legs. The subjects were individually tested by the running timer at three levels of walking speed; slow(0.76m/s), normal(1.34m/s), and fast(2.46m/s). The walking performances of each subjects were filmed using a high speed video camera and the ground reaction force was measured by 600Hz sampling frequency. The raw data were analyzed by LabVIEW Graphical Program and these data were analyzed by ANOVAs and Scheffe.
The results of this study were as follows;
1. As the walking speed increased, the maximum plantar flexion and the range of motion of the ankle joint increased, and the maximum flexion and the range of motion of the knee and hip joint increased as well.
2. The vertical component of ground reaction force increased at the point of Fz1 and Fz3 but decreased at the point of Fz2 as the walking speed increased. The anteroposterior component of ground reaction force increased at the point of Fy1 and Fy3 as the walking speed increased.
3. The maximum plantar flexion and the dorsiflexion moment of the ankle joint increased, and the maximum of the first extension moment, flexion moment and the maximum of the second extension moment also increased as the walking speed increased In the case of hip joint, the maximum extension and flexion moment increased as the walking speed increased.
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Inverse Dynamic Approach for Nonlinear Musculoskeletal Model 운동역학 : 비선형 근골격 모델의 역동역학 해석
김선필KimSeonPil , 이민형LeeMin-Hyung
39(4) 688-697, 2000
Inverse Dynamic Approach for Nonlinear Musculoskeletal Model 운동역학 : 비선형 근골격 모델의 역동역학 해석
김선필KimSeonPil , 이민형LeeMin-Hyung
This paper presents a detailed analysis for estimating muscular forces and neural excitation from experimental kinematic data by using inverse dynamic optimization. The human body for maximum-height jumping was modeled as a four-segment, planar linkage actuated by eight lower-extremity musculotendon units. The joint torque was calculated by using inverse dynamics. The optimization technique was used to solve the load sharing problem due to redundant musculotendon units. Each musculotendon unit determines the muscle force from neural excitation, muscle lengthy and muscle contraction velocity. By modifying the musculotendon dynamics, inversely, the neural excitation and activation derived from muscle force. The inverse analysis presented the similar patterns of muscle forces and neural excitation with those of the prescribed motion. In the result the effects of activation dynamics was negligible. But muscle contraction velocity made a significant change of the magnitude and the pattern of neural excitation.
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The Kinematic image analysis of one-hand jump shot in basketball(for the women basketball player in center position) 운동역학 : 농구 원 핸드 점프 슛의 3 차원 운동학적 영상분석(여자 농구 센터 포지션을 중심으로)
39(4) 698-705, 2000
The Kinematic image analysis of one-hand jump shot in basketball(for the women basketball player in center position) 운동역학 : 농구 원 핸드 점프 슛의 3 차원 운동학적 영상분석(여자 농구 센터 포지션을 중심으로)
In this study, We carried out three dimensitional kinematics image analysis for one-hand jump shot performed by five women basketball player in center position who were 180cm and over.
The conclusions are as follows ;
1. Total elapsed time of one-hand jump shot was 0.42±0.04 seconds and the elapsed time to the releasing event was 0.30±0.05 seconds. So it was concluded that ball were released before PK.
2. The angle o release was 55.90±8.22° and the angle of arrangement was 26.68±6.42.
3. In the releasing event, the angle variation of TO↔RP phase was 29.38° at the shoulder joint, 60.10 at the elbow joint, and 24.86° at the wrist joint. So it was concluded that the players reduced the motion of elbow, increased the motion of shoulder, and used the snap of wrist in the releasing event.
4. In the releasing event, the linear velocity of C.O.G. was 1.10±0.30㎧ and the release velocity of the ball was 6.74±0.22㎧
5. In the releasing event, the angle velocity was 248.32±156.98㎧ at the wrist joint, 670.02±122.31㎧ at the elbow joint, and 320.34±91.53㎧ at the shoulder joint.
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A Kinematical Analysis of the techniques used by elite Men's Long Jumpers in performance for takeoff motion 운동역학 : 멀리뛰기 발구름 동작에서 국가대표 선수들이 사용하는 기술의 운동학적 분석
유재균RyuJae-Kyun , 김혜영KimHye-Young
39(4) 706-715, 2000
A Kinematical Analysis of the techniques used by elite Men's Long Jumpers in performance for takeoff motion 운동역학 : 멀리뛰기 발구름 동작에서 국가대표 선수들이 사용하는 기술의 운동학적 분석
유재균RyuJae-Kyun , 김혜영KimHye-Young
The purposes of this study were to investigate the techniques used by national elite male athletes during the transition from approach to takeoff in the long jump and to determine which performance variables were related to the officially recorded distance of the jump. Resulting kinematic data were obtained for the lengths of the last three strides, the angular changes of the knee and hip at touchdown and takeoff for a total of 15 trials by two S-VHS cameras filmed at 60Hz.
The subjects achieved the different pattern of the last three strides of the approach, the changing of the last three strides is bending of the hip and knee joints and translating the high position of the CM of the running posture into the low position of it. The mean hip angle of the free leg at the takeoff and the knee joint at the maximum knee flexion were a larger than those world elite jumpers, so that it will not generate an explosive extension movement of the joints.
In conclusion, the national athletes will need to be focusing on the preparation for takeoff at the last two strides which are the penultimate stride and the ultimate stride. The behavior of the penultimate stride of the run-up resembles the straddle as lowering leads to the swing leg squat. During the ultimate stride, the takeoff leg is extended and the takeoff foot is planted quickly with an active pawing motion. At the end of acceleration, the body should be more erect and the action will quickly turn over as the athlete approaches the board.
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Development of Low Back pain Prevention Exercise Program to Manual Materials Handling Tasks 운동역학 : 인력물자 취급 작업을 위한 요통예방 운동프로그램 개발 -인간공학적 접근방법 중심으로-
39(4) 716-726, 2000
Development of Low Back pain Prevention Exercise Program to Manual Materials Handling Tasks 운동역학 : 인력물자 취급 작업을 위한 요통예방 운동프로그램 개발 -인간공학적 접근방법 중심으로-
The purposes of this study were to request a reform measure against the increase of disease related to manual materials handling, to analyze low back pain on the basis of ergonomics, to devise a reform measure for manual materials handling through ergonomic evaluation, to contribute to higher productivity by reducing the costs of industrial diseases, and to suggest a fundamental reform measure against work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Even though various methodologies have been suggested to achieve the above purposes, this study was intended to solve the problems by means of developing an exercise program and suggested a practical modeling.
On the basis of the preceding study, a scientific and practical exercise program having steps was developed It is composed of nine step exercises for physical therapy and rehabilitation as well as a prevention against low back pain. Thirty healthy workers volunteered and were asked to do the exercise program in the morning and evening for six months. Finally, eight workers out of the thirty volunteers successfully fulfilled the exercise program were sampled, and then changes in the value of EMG concerning the difference of load on low back muscle was compared. As a result, most of subjects showed a reduction of EMG signal value ranging 15-20% under various experimental conditions, and the result of paired-t-test on values of pre- and post-exercise statistically showed significant difference. This means that the exercise program can considerably contribute to prevention and remedy against low back pain.
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Kinematical Analysis Of Javelin Throwing 운동역학 : 창던지기의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of the study was to provide the fundamental data to instruct athletes through the analysis athletes' movement in javelin. Three athletes in the level of national representative were participated in this study. The study analyzed kinematic variables(lead foot and releasing javelin) through 3-D analysis and obtained the following results.
1. All subjects released after lead foot were completely landed and therefore it is no problem in a kinematic aspect. However, it is suggested that a time for SDH should be reduced to develop record, because SDH took a long time.
2. When the left foot was landed in angle of upper body, CKY, YNS and YNS1 maintained relatively appropriate angle but SDH landed with laying upper body(128.4 °). When releasing SDH was more erecting upper body(89.8 °) than other subjects. It caused increase of release velocity to be prevented
3. In a left knee angle of four subjects, when landing, angle was 151.9°±6.3°, and angle was 145.2°±8.1°, when releasing. The angles of left knee in all subjects were small, compared with those of world top-athletes. This results from decrease in running velocity due to too bending knee.
4. In a throwing angle, YNS and YNS1 were relatively good, but CKY and SDH were too big in posture angle and too small in release angle.
5. Compared with world top-athletes, release velocity was low, and specially in vertical factor velocity showed high difference. This results associate with movement of the center of body and influence of knee.
According to the above conclusion, when the athletic leaders cauch athletes, they should focus on maintaining knee angle, upper body and hip angle in a previous stage of release and throwing angle, throwing height, throwing velocity in a release stage.
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The Kinematic Analysis of Pflug Bogen in Skiing 운동역학 : 스키 플루그 보겐의 운동학적 분석
39(4) 736-744, 2000
The Kinematic Analysis of Pflug Bogen in Skiing 운동역학 : 스키 플루그 보겐의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematical variables such as ankle angulation, shoulder-hip-knee angulation, height of c.o.g.(center of gravity) that are presumed to influence the Pflug Bogen turn. In order to meet the purpose of the study, the researcher himself analysed the aforementioned variables with four experienced skiers and beginners respectively.
The primary findings from these analysis follow.
First, experienced skiers' ankle angulation degree appeared higher than their counterparts in Pflug Bogen turn's up movement performance Contrary to this, novice’s ankle angulation degree showed higher in down movement.
Second, experienced skiers' knee angulation degree appeared more than their counterparts in Pflug Bogen turn's up-down movement performance.
Third, experienced skier's c.o.g. difference appeared higher than their counterparts in Pflug Bogen turn's up-down movement performance.
Within its limitations and this study concluded that the ideal Pflug Bogen turn movement is keeping
lower hip joint angulation smaller and maintaining shoulder-hip-knee angulation smaller along with maximizing the height difference in c.o.g..
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A 3-demantional kinematic analysis of the golf driver swing with different shaft length 운동역학 : 드라이버 샤프트(Shaft)의 길이 변화에 따른 골프 스윙의 3차원 운동학적 분석
홍우정HongWoo-Jung , 김용이KimYong-Ee , 신용석ShinYong-Suk
39(4) 745-754, 2000
A 3-demantional kinematic analysis of the golf driver swing with different shaft length 운동역학 : 드라이버 샤프트(Shaft)의 길이 변화에 따른 골프 스윙의 3차원 운동학적 분석
홍우정HongWoo-Jung , 김용이KimYong-Ee , 신용석ShinYong-Suk
The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematic difference of the golf swing with changing the length of the shaft. Three professional golfers were filmed by two 16mm photosonis cameras with a filming speed of 200 frames/second. The three dimensional coordinates of the anatomical landmarks were obtained and smoothed with a cutoff frequency of 8Hz. With this data the kinematic variables were calculated using the Labview graphical program. The conclusions were:
1. The time interval of the down swing showed a difference between the length of the shaft of the golf club and when using the 49 inch dub the time interval was the slowest then the 46 inch and the 43 inch was the fastest.
2. In the take back phase in all subject and golf dubs showed that the body and the golf club were moving in one piece.
3. In the back swing phase two of the subjects show a larger difference in the angle between the hip and shoulder as using a longer shaft.
4. The cocking angle showed a relatively smaller pattern in the mid-down swing phase than in the top of the backswing resulting a decrease of the moment of inertia in the down swing phase in all subject and golf dubs.
5. The angle of the hip and shoulder were opened in the impact phase and the hip was more opened than the shoulder angle.
6. The displacement of the center of mass of the total body and the displacement of the head showed a relative pattern in the full swing phase and the position of the head was kept at the back of the center of the mass of the total body from the position of the ball.
7. The velocity of the dub head was fastest when using the 49 inch dub, then the 46 inch and the 43 inch was slowest.
In conclusion, using the longer shaft the velocity of the dub head increased and the angle between the shoulder and hip increased in the back swing phase, the time interval in the down swing the increased. With these results we can accept that using a longer golf shaft the power of the swing has increased but in the present study the length of the sharft were limited to 43, 46, 49 inch so we can’t over estimate the results of this study can be adapted to golf club with longer shaft.
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Early Field Experiences and Physical Education Teacher Education 스포츠교육학 : 초기현장경험과 체육교사교육
39(4) 757-767, 2000
Early Field Experiences and Physical Education Teacher Education 스포츠교육학 : 초기현장경험과 체육교사교육
Early Field Experiences (EFEs)in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) offer the opportunity of practical experiences for preservice teachers at public schools. This experience allows preservice teachers to see the entire picture of schooling and teaching to reflect on their career choices, and to offer a smooth transition to student teaching practicum. The purpose of this study is to provide the models and directions of EFEs with Korean Physical Education Teacher Education by investigating the structual and practical of EFEs in PETE. Depending on states, districts, and universities, generally, preservice teachers at a junior level are asked to have this experience for 4 to 5 weeks at a methods course. EFEs are made of class observation and assistance, teaching in a small group, and teaching in a large group. Held sites are selected by university supervisors or preservice teachers with a permission of a PETE they are in. Preservice teachers as participants, and teacher educations and cooperating teachers as supervisors have had their own responsibilities and roles during EFEs. Their harmonious and dynamic relationship is needed for implementing more effective EFEs. For implementing more effective EFEs, the following directions are suggested: (a) practical orientations for all participants in EFEs, (b) the enjoyment of a specialized university supervisor, (c) the development of supervisor certification programs and national certification tests, and (d) the use of objective assessment instrument. In addition, other specific guidelines that would be applicable in preservice teacher education and inservice teacher education are offered.
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An Analysis on the 「Hantei」Factors of JUDO Referees 스포츠교육학 : 유도 심판의 「판정」요인 분석
최관용ChoiKwan-Yong , 조민선ChoMin-Sun
39(4) 768-778, 2000
An Analysis on the 「Hantei」Factors of JUDO Referees 스포츠교육학 : 유도 심판의 「판정」요인 분석
최관용ChoiKwan-Yong , 조민선ChoMin-Sun
The purpose of the study is to analyze the referee hantei factors, contributing to the dear and consistent hantei on hantei competition.
To achieve the purpose of the study, materials were collected through the in-depth interviews on nine real Judo competition referees, six Judo athletes, and six Judo referees who had watched the competition on videos.
The collected materials were analyzed by using inductive category analysis and case study, and the reliability, propriety and morality of the study were ascertained. The results of the analyses on the study are as follows:
First, the criteria on the declaration of scores differ according to the referees.
Second, the criteria and the time of penalty application differ according to the referees.
Thirds the penalty application in the international competition is strict; but in domestic competition, flexible.
Fourth, the factors considered in hantei were technique point, the ability to attack, the times of attacks and gumi-kata in the order.
Fifth, if the score and the penalty are the same, the score has the priority.
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Soccer Skill Measurements and Criterion-referenced Standards 체육측정평가 : 축구기술 측정 및 준거평가 기준설정
김목수KimMok-Soo , 엄한주EomHan-Joo
39(4) 781-792, 2000
Soccer Skill Measurements and Criterion-referenced Standards 체육측정평가 : 축구기술 측정 및 준거평가 기준설정
김목수KimMok-Soo , 엄한주EomHan-Joo
The primary purpose of this study was to set criterion-referenced standards for soccer performance to differentiate the skill levels of soccer players from junior and senior high schools, and college varsity teams. The soccer skill tests conducted in this study consisted of eight items such as heading, zigzag dribble, long kick, dribble shoot, shoot, centering, 30m dribble, and 10m shuttle dribble.
Descriptive analyses and one-way ANOVA were used to compare the performances of the 3 groups and a criterion-groups model advanced by Berk(1976, 1986) was applied to obtain an optimal cut-off score to set the criterion-referenced standards. These standards were used to separate the group memberships of the subjects according to their performance levels. From these analyses die following results were attained:
1. The comparison of the mean performances among the 3 groups revealed, as expected, that college group was prominent in all 8 skills, followed by the senior and junior groups.
2. As granted by the significant results of ANOVA, the criterion-groups analysis was applied and the results suggested that reasonably adequate and valid criterion-referenced standards could be obtained to differentiate the levels of soccer performance among the 3 groups. The cut-off score between the junior and senior groups in each test item was; 4.3 sec in heading 11.9 sec. in zigzag dribble, 38m in long kick, 6.1 sec. in dribble shoot, 24 pts. in shoot, 5 pts. in centering, 5.7 sec. in 30m dribble, 6.1sec. in 10m shuttle dribble, and between the senior high and university groups was; 9.1 sec. in heading 10.6 sec. in zigzag dribble, 47m in long kick, 5.4 sec. in dribble shoot 27-28 pts. in shoot, 12 pts. in centering, 5.0 sec. in 30m dribble, 5.5 sec. in 10m shuttle dribble.
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The effects of noncircularity and data categorization on the sampling distribution of the estimates of reliability coefficient 체육측정평가 : 구형성 가정 위반이 신뢰계수 (α) 추정에 미치는 영향
39(4) 793-804, 2000
The effects of noncircularity and data categorization on the sampling distribution of the estimates of reliability coefficient 체육측정평가 : 구형성 가정 위반이 신뢰계수 (α) 추정에 미치는 영향
The present study emplyed Monte Carlo procedure to investigate the effects of noncircularity and data categorization on reliability coefficient estimates. Computer program, FORTRAN, was developed to conduct a series of simulations under various sampling conditions. Five independent parameters were initially considered in the simulations: three level of population alpha, three level of epsilon values, three level of repeated measures, three sample sizes, and four types of data. The results obtained from each condition were based on 2,000 - 6,000 repeated analyses. Due to a large amount of data the results from various conditions were integrated and accordingly presented. It was shown that the categorization of continuous data resulted in a considerably smaller a than for the parent continuous data, especially for a 3-point or less scale. Furthermore, the estimation procedure based on ANOVA produced a consistent, but negatively biased estimate. This bias was more noticeable for a small sample size, coupled with a small population α value. Thus, the use of an unbiased estimate was recommended for this type of design. Noncircularity conditions did not introduce any bias to the mean of the estimates, but yielded more variable estimates, thus increasing the variability of sampling distribution of a. The sampling theory of α with continuous data was fairly robust to a moderate departure from circularity, but somewhat sensitive to a severe nancircularity. However, the sampling theory of α was not adequate for categorical data, especially for a 3-point or less scale as it failed to produce appropriate proportions beyond the theoretical tolerance intervals.
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Gender and Test Difference in Test Difficulty 체육측정평가 : 심동영역검사간 난이도의 성차
39(4) 805-811, 2000
Gender and Test Difference in Test Difficulty 체육측정평가 : 심동영역검사간 난이도의 성차
The use of item response theory(IRT) has been increased in physical education and exercise science. However, little is currently known by practitioners who are not familiar with advanced statistical and mathematical techniques, about the application of IRT. The purpose of this study was to introduce an application of IRT for practitioners by estimating gender and test difference in test difficulty. Arm and shoulder girdle muscular strength and endurance tests were administrated to 91 male and 106 female college students. The difficulty of the tests and difficulty between tests were different for males and females.
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The Determination of Difficulty in Taewondo Kicks by the Kinesthetic Ability Test 체육측정평가 : 태권도 발차기 근운동감각기능검사의 난이도 추정
이승국LeeSeung-Kuk , 박봉권ParkBong-Kwon , 고기환KoKi-Hwan
39(4) 812-822, 2000
The Determination of Difficulty in Taewondo Kicks by the Kinesthetic Ability Test 체육측정평가 : 태권도 발차기 근운동감각기능검사의 난이도 추정
이승국LeeSeung-Kuk , 박봉권ParkBong-Kwon , 고기환KoKi-Hwan
This research has been analyzed the Kinesthetic ability level of five Taekwondo kicks, in accordance with the Item Response Theory 1-Parameter Model, the Fitness level, the Difficulty level, and lest Information.
Form this work, some fruiful thesis finding have been drawn: they are
1) In the Kinesthetic ability level test, the average points of the difficulty level in the five kicks are indicated in 526(J), 206(S), and .664(U) for the fast front kick, and .791(J), .658(5), and .881(U) for the round kick, .059(J), .749(S), .170(U) for the back kick, .167Q), .087(S), .199(U) for the back spinning kick, and .149(J), .195(S), .003(U) for the turning round kick. It is known that the difficulty level of the test front and back round kick is relatively low, in comparison with that of the back kick and the back spinning kick, and the turning round kick which is shown higher than the first two;
2) for the fast front and the back round kick, the Test Information has been satisfactorily employed to make the distinctionof the student with 34.13 percentile Kinesthetic level at -1.0 of the ablity level. And these two kicking categories are recommended to determine the Kinesthetic ability level of the Taekwondo students. By contrast, such categories as the back, the back spinning, and the turnning round kick are also effective in finding the students with 50 percentile Kinesthetic level at .0 of the ability level; and
3) The test Information (the back, the back spinning and the turning round kick) would possibly introduced to classify the high/low point student group and to evaluate the individual's Kinesthetic ability level of Taekwondo.
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Analysis of questionnaire usages and data processing methods in physical education researches -Based on the Korean Journal of Physical Education- 체육측정평가 : 체육학 연구의 설문지 이용 실태와 자료처리 방법 분석 -한국 체육학회지를 중심으로-
39(4) 823-831, 2000
Analysis of questionnaire usages and data processing methods in physical education researches -Based on the Korean Journal of Physical Education- 체육측정평가 : 체육학 연구의 설문지 이용 실태와 자료처리 방법 분석 -한국 체육학회지를 중심으로-
The purpose of this study is to examine questionnaire usages and data processing methods in physical education researches and to search further direction of physical education research through the contents analyses of previously published research outcomes in order to establish the trend of physical education research area. Among 1,247 research papers from the Korean Journal of Physical Education during 1990 through 1999, 278 research papers which have adopted questionnaire method are selected as subjects for this study. The classification of the research papers is based on the subcommittee classification of KAHPERD. For the questionnaire usages are analyzed by types of questionnaire, types of inquiry, types of date, research subjects, sampling methods, presentation of the cronbachs alpha values etc. For the data processing methods, 17 methods are selected based on the 87 statistical techniques and their classification of Tritschler (1985) are adopted to
Collected data through the check list are coded and processed by computer using frequency analysis and multiple response analysis of SPSS 8.0 for Windows.
Through the above procedures, the following results have came out.
1. The subcommittee that adopts questionnaires mostly is the sports sociology subcommittee with 96 research papers (315%) from the Korean Journal of Physical Education during 1990 through 1999.
2. with highest frequency, in 123 articles (44.2%), questionnaires are revised from previous researches and research subjects are concentrated to adults. Number of subjects are mostly ranged between 101 and 300 in 75 papers (27.0%) and convenience sampling has been used in 42 papers (15.1%) and pre-test has been used in 60 papers (27.0%).
3. ANOVA has been adopted mostly among statistical methods and frequency analysis and regression are followed.
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The function of communication according to sports generalization 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠의 대중화에 따른 커뮤니케이션 기능에 관한 연구
강병길KangByung-Gil , 최영란ChoiYoung-Lan
39(4) 835-845, 2000
The function of communication according to sports generalization 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠의 대중화에 따른 커뮤니케이션 기능에 관한 연구
강병길KangByung-Gil , 최영란ChoiYoung-Lan
The purpose of this study is to make a situational analysis of tendency in sport popularity industry. I inquiry the sport communication phenomenon and the concept of media sport developments which underpin it. I also investigate current developments in the market as reaction to the media sport phenomenon.
The major results of this study are summarizes as follows:
Recently one of the most significant factors in sport communication is dosed together sport and media, thus sport has become commerical field Evidence of such change of sport function has been mounting in recent years with nuss media development and sport industry development, sport industry is developing constantly, its application to media and the bringing of those sport market to promise ever further dramatic change in future.
The on-going process of sport communication, opening up of the sport media and industry sector to full competition globally, and the rapid growth. The degree of reception of sport communication in korea is very little with business and media limit.
This study analyses the sport communication and commerical sport phenomenon in sport and korea situation, The result of sport communication and commerical sport phenomenon is processing now. This study will contribute pave the way for the developments of an appropriate environment which will facilitate the full achivement of the opportunities offered by the sport communication.
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A Study on South and North Korea Sport Conference - The causes of Success and Failkure and the Prospects - 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 남북 체육회담의 성패요인과 전망
39(4) 846-854, 2000
A Study on South and North Korea Sport Conference - The causes of Success and Failkure and the Prospects - 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 남북 체육회담의 성패요인과 전망
This study is focused on what backgrounds and circumstances South and North Korea Sport Conference for past 20 years has held, what were the main issues in the conferences, what were the characters of them, and what are the prospects.
The history of South and North Korea Sport Conference for past 20 years has repeated the unfolding and folding of the talks; the conferences has held, and developing or interrupting under the variable circumstances of North Korea. As the result the talks has been stumbled in want of the continuity of the talks. The talks has been open or dosed and then reopened whenever it is necessary. This precedent proves that South and North Korea Sport Conference has been made use of North Korea's propaganda and justification.
The sport conference in the reality of divided South and North Korea is important, though the talks has been as such. For if the conference is broken off, it will result in giving up the exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea. Therefore there is a justification that South and North Korea Sport Conference should be continued.
What we should bear in mind is that North Korea has made use of South Korea as the preservation and reinforcement of her political system and the means of building up the divided national sentiment in South Korea so far. These facts have reappeared in the past South and North Korea Sport Conference with the trends of repetition and similarity in common.
South and North Korea Sport Conference in the future has both positive and negative aspects to contribute to the talks. Although there are still negative aspects to South and North Korea in the recognition and controversial issues of the talks, the sport conference over 20 years has fixed in the Korean national sentiment and nationality, will contribute to South and North Korea Sport Conference as the positive elements, since the sport conference over 20 years have inspired the will and desire of the unification between South and North Korea and improved the expectation of the unification. Since South and North Korea could grasp their real interests so far, the conference between South and North Korea would bring foul functioned phenomena by which the conference became to contribute to the preservation and reinforcement of dosed political system But the fact that die submit talk between South and North Korea brought both South and North Korea the diminution of the hostility between South and North Korea, seems to act profitably on the results of the conference in the future.
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Research on an athlete's recognition and purchasing attribute of sports insurance 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 운동선수의 스포츠 보험에 대한 인식과 구매속성에 관한 연구
김범식KimBeom-Sig , 조규정ChoKyu-Chung
39(4) 855-866, 2000
Research on an athlete's recognition and purchasing attribute of sports insurance 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 운동선수의 스포츠 보험에 대한 인식과 구매속성에 관한 연구
김범식KimBeom-Sig , 조규정ChoKyu-Chung
The purpose of this research is to investigate the recognition of compensation insurance and purchasing attribute in accident of sports. An object of random sampling is athletes commercial registered in the present athletic association of Kwangju and Chonnam province in 2000. Its population is set up by systematic stratified clusterrandom sampling. The real analysis number of sampling data excluding the data without sincerity is 248 out of 256. The collected data does Crosstabs Analysis, Factor Analysis, One-Sample t-Test and One-way ANOVA using Window Spss/pc +7.5Version. We come to the following conclusion by above process.
First, such a research on recognition of compesation insurance in sports accident says that there are various kinds of insurance in which security insurance is at a high rate, and also prove to be highly interested in knowledge and necessity of insurance for many athletes.
Second, in the aspects of sex among the primary factors of purchasing attribute of compensation insurance in sports accident, a male has been an important influence on stabilities and savings, and a female reliances and purchasing decisions. In education level, high school graduates have been a highly affected on stabilities and laws, and university graduates goods and stabilities when they make a decision of purchasing goods. Also, in monthly salary, the joining attributes of compensation insurance in sports accident appear to be increasing more and more in that people over 1,500,000 won have been influenced on savings and people less than 1,500,000 won do stabilities, reliances and laws. When people grow to be old, it indicates that joining attributes of compensation insurance in sports accident expand in the aspects of goods, stabilities and savings. Finally, As the exercise career increases, the ratio of purchasing attributes grows larger in the aspects of goods, stabilities and savings.
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The recognition comparative study over the advertisement of sport merchandise for leisure in young consumer 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 청소년의 레저·스포츠 용품 광고에 대한 인식의 비교 연구
김재현KimJae-Hyun , 이준희LeeJun-Hee
39(4) 867-876, 2000
The recognition comparative study over the advertisement of sport merchandise for leisure in young consumer 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 청소년의 레저·스포츠 용품 광고에 대한 인식의 비교 연구
김재현KimJae-Hyun , 이준희LeeJun-Hee
The purpose of study is to understand the effectiveness of advertisement which is working out a sheme, is operated in the companies by the investigation and analysis on the advertisement affected to the consumer purchasing in the young those who are main consume class in the sports merchandise for leisure.
The study subjects are 830 high school students in the male and female who are in a general and a vocational school located in Pusan city. Conducting question survey through using Self-administration method and analyzed by the Window for SPSS V7.5, the following result was drawn out.
1) The highest amount to attain data related merchandise through advertisement is shown in the class those who are over 3million won income in a month, those are spending 3-5hours in a week on exercise ,and those who are in the general male high school students.
2) The highest degree to be affected purchasing decision of merchandise by the advertisement is shown in the class those who are over 3million won income in a month, those who are spending 1-3hours in a week, and those who are in the vocational male school students.
3) The confidency on the advertisement related purchasing merchandise is the highest in the class those who are over 3million won income in a month those who are spending less 1 hour in a week on exercise, and those who are in the general male high school students.
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The Legal Status of Sport Massage 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠마사지의 법률적 지위해석
송기성SongKi-Sung , 임태성LimTae-Sung , 홍계희HongKye-Hee
39(4) 877-882, 2000
The Legal Status of Sport Massage 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠마사지의 법률적 지위해석
송기성SongKi-Sung , 임태성LimTae-Sung , 홍계희HongKye-Hee
The purposes of this study are (1) to investigate whether the sport massage is illegal as a medical service based on the medical law through investigating on judicial precedents and (2) to establish the proper and legal status as a new therapeutic technique. The conclusions are as follows;
1. A medical service in medical law means a medical treatment which is very lethal and dangerous without help of medical specialist. It is, therefore, unreasonable that a safe sport massage is classified as a illegal medical service.
2. When the laws are in conflict with each other, the first principle to solve the problem is that the other laws cannot stand against the constitution and the second one is that the laws should reflect contemporary tide and spirits.
3. However, in any case sport massage manager should not advertise medical contents such as "sport massage can fix circulatory diseases" because sport massage manager is not a medical specialist.
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The study of the causal relation between reference group and sport participant behavior 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 준거집단의 특성과 스포츠 참여행동간의 인과 관계
39(4) 883-892, 2000
The study of the causal relation between reference group and sport participant behavior 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 준거집단의 특성과 스포츠 참여행동간의 인과 관계
In consumer behavior reseach, the social influence paradigm has received wide support so far, although some researchers have identified several logical inconsistencies and there also have some studies that have found that the social influence in the two dimension exerted direct agnificant influence on a purchasing behavior : normative and informational influence. In a fitness dub, however, because of its long-term participant the social influence should be taken into account.
The purpose of this study were to examine the reseach model developed to establish the causal relation between reference group and social influence and long-term sport participant intention synthetically and concurrently. Questionnaires containing 16 statements are administered to a total of 407 members of a fitness dub in Busan, Korea And the research model to estimate the causal relation between each latent variables is tested through the covariance structure modeling of LISREL.
The results are summarized as follows :
The overall goodness of fit index of the model are rejected and the model set in this was no significant. But it was found that the normative influence was prescribed in the similarity and cohesiveness, that the influence influence was prescribed in the similarity. The sport participant behavior was also prescribed in the normative influence and was solely prescribed in the informational influence.
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Analysis of factors Affecting Attendence at Sports Event and Perceptual Map 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠관람 영향요인 및 지각도 분석
유용상YooYong-Sang , 조광민ChoKwang-Min
39(4) 893-902, 2000
Analysis of factors Affecting Attendence at Sports Event and Perceptual Map 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠관람 영향요인 및 지각도 분석
유용상YooYong-Sang , 조광민ChoKwang-Min
Purpose of this study was to verify how spectators perceive various sports and to provide useful information in developing marketing strategy through analyzing perceptual map. In doing so, researcher investigated similarities between sports and factors influencing attendance based on Multidimensional Scaling.
Samples of this study were from male and female college students living in Seoul. They were chosen by the convenience sampling method, and 449 out of 500 questionnaires were accepted for this research.
Gender revealed statistically significant differences in college students' frequency of attending games, reading sport newspapers and watching televised games indicating male college students showed higher interests in sport than female ones. Also, among the main factor in attending the games, the importance of the game, the level of the game(player), the extra factor of the game did not show significant difference between the gender. But in the category of popularity of the sport, it revealed that females were specially affected.
The result of the perceptual map analysis showed because of the high interest of sport, the male students had a different image of each sport For this reason each sports were the relatively further positioned in the male students case than in the female students case on the perceptual map.
All gender perceived a similar group in soccer, baseball, and basketball. But ail gender grouped a different image to swimming bowling skiing golf, resulting these sports in a different position.
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The Effect of Sports Center Employee's Communication on Job Satisfaction 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠 센터 직원들의 의사 소통이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
39(4) 903-909, 2000
The Effect of Sports Center Employee's Communication on Job Satisfaction 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠 센터 직원들의 의사 소통이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of sports center employee's communication on job satisfaction.
To achieve the purpose of the study was to examine the effect of communication on job satisfaction on sports center. The employee's of sports center in Kyonggi province were selected as a mother group.
The subjects in this study were 200 employees were selected by random sampling form 14 sports centers in Kyonggi provinece. And response form 193 subjects were chosen for analysis, except 7 who gave poor responeses of weren't surveyed completely.
The collected data were handled by reliability analysis, t - test, one - way ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows;
First, the communication of the sports center employees investigated was showed different according to personal characteristics, including position and job career.
Second, the job satisfaction of the communication of the sports center employees investigated was showed different according to personal characteristics including age, education background, position and job career.
Third, the communication type of the sports center employees among upward and downward communication types, exerted a positive influence on job satisfaction.
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A Study of Consumer's Satisfaction in Exercise Prescreption Center 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 운동 처방실 이용에 따른 소비자 만족도
이상일LeeSang-Il , 유현순YuHyun-Soon
39(4) 910-922, 2000
A Study of Consumer's Satisfaction in Exercise Prescreption Center 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 운동 처방실 이용에 따른 소비자 만족도
이상일LeeSang-Il , 유현순YuHyun-Soon
The purpose of this study presents the marketing strategy by cases for the effective management of exercise prescription center so that the consumers of it can receive services of good quality and effective exercise prescription. The subjects were the 460 consumers of exercise prescription center, and the questionnaire based an the previous studies was used as an investigation means. The collected data were analyzed by Cronbach’s α-test, chi-square test(χ2 test), one way ANOVA, scheffe's test and multiple regression.
The results from this study and analysis indicate the followings.
First, the analysis of socio-demographic characters by cases of exercise prescription center showed there were significant differences in sex, job, school career and income.
Second, the analysis of consumer satisfaction based on socio-demographic characters by cases of exercise prescription center showed there were significant differences in job and school career.
Third, the analysis of consumer satisfaction based on consumers experience factors by cases of exercise prescription center showed there were significant differences in facilities, members, programs, cost.
Fourth, the analysis of the effect of consumer's experience factors by cases of exercises prescription center on total satisfaction showed the exercise prescription center of sports centers had significant effect on a factor of program that of hospitals, on a factor of member that of health centers, an a factor of member and program.
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The Analysis of Target Market for Professional Baseball Event
39(4) 923-931, 2000
The Analysis of Target Market for Professional Baseball Event
The rapid industrialization, democratization, globalization, and the recent economic crisis have brought about tremendous social change IMF(Intemational Monetary Fund) regime began, the social changes have also had an inpact affecting the Korean consumer(s) decision-making, and sport consumers behaviors including attendance to professional sporting events. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative importance of factors that influence attendance at professional baseball event. More specifically the study attempted to recommend the target market for professional baseball event The survey instrument used for data collection was self developed based on information from similar studies conducted by Hansen and Gauthier(1993), Kasky(1994), Zhang, Pease et al.,(1995) and Debbie(1996). The total sample of subjects(n=403) was obtained from those fans in attendance at professional baseball leagues held in Korea. In result, professional baseball event's key target market was 31-40years old male. The sport indirect and non-consumer groups were found to have a higher ranking of the ticket price factor but a lower ranking of ticket price factor as compared to the sport direct consumer group. Finally, the 14 items among all four area(promotion, schedule, economic and attractiveness) should be focused on when making marketing strategies for professional baseball events.
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The Effects of Customers Satisfaction factor for all the satisfying degree and Repurchase Intention in Sport Club Members 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠 센터회원의 고객만족요인이 전반적만족도와 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
39(4) 932-940, 2000
The Effects of Customers Satisfaction factor for all the satisfying degree and Repurchase Intention in Sport Club Members 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 스포츠 센터회원의 고객만족요인이 전반적만족도와 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze that the satisfying factors for customer that is on the basis of the influence between service qualities and satisfying degree for customer which have raised recently affect all the satisfying degree and repurchase intention and find a basis point for satisfying customer in the sports dub.
The subjects in this study was set up as 543 male and female who are above 20 years old in using sports dub located in Pusan city in the year of 1999, and sampling by using systematic stratified duster random sampling. The means in this study is used to amend and complemented after confirming suitability of the contents in the questionnaire that is made on the basis of die questionnaire of Japan Fitness Industry Association(1997)and the possibility of application through second preliminary test as die study means. The criterion for satisfying customer is composed of Likert the standard for rating in 5points, all the satisfying degree, the repurchase intention is the seventh standard of Likert. This study is conducted confirmatory factor analytic technique to measure the propriety in the satisfying customer, the factor sampling is limited above 1.0 in eigen value, and is used iteratively estimate communality and varimax rotation. The questionnaires are composed of the factors which are the leader step, program information service, exercise effect, customer management, lives of dub, response in the front desk, facilities management facilities in the exercise equipments through factor analysis. Cronbach's α reliability in the questionnaire is showed from .77 to .99, The administration for data conducted ANOVA, Duncan-test Pearson's Correlation Analysis and Enter Multiple Regression the questionnaire which are made by Self-administration method.
This conclusion of this study are as follows.
First, all the satisfying degree is different from sex, age, and work.
Second, the differences in repurchase intention are sex, age, and work
Third, the factor of customer satisfaction that affect in satisfying degree in all parts are showed the customer management, facility management, the leader step, and the factors of customer satisfaction that affects
repurchase intention are showed the customer management, the leader step and lives of club.
Therefore, the excellent service qualities come to have both the effects that defensive effects to keep lasting present customer and offtensive effects to attract new customer, so they lead to be high the rate of retention.
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The Relationship between Sport Sponsorship Factors Recognized to Professional - Sports Spectators and Activities on Purchasing 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 프로스포츠 관람자에게 인식된 스포츠 스폰서십 요인과 구매행동과의 관계
조한범ChoHan-Beom , 김미향KimMee-Hyang , 김인재KimIn-Jae
39(4) 941-949, 2000
The Relationship between Sport Sponsorship Factors Recognized to Professional - Sports Spectators and Activities on Purchasing 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 프로스포츠 관람자에게 인식된 스포츠 스폰서십 요인과 구매행동과의 관계
조한범ChoHan-Beom , 김미향KimMee-Hyang , 김인재KimIn-Jae
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport sponsorship factors professional-sports spectators and activities on purchasing according to sports involvement.
The subjects of study was selected by stratified duster convenience sampling method from the professional-sports (Soccer, Baseball, Basketball) spectators. Among 600 subjects, 452 are actually used for the study thus, valid data is approximately 75%.
The measuring tool was made up of the 25 items in all including 5 items on the standard for the understanding on sponsorship, 9 items on the raise and promotion of industrial image, 4 items on the acquisition of customers's trust, 3 items on the contribution to an event through the sponsorship, 4 items on purchasing activities.
The questionnaire was completed by the method of self-administration. After the completion the data are processed reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way anova and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS/PC version 7.52 for Window. The significance of the study as follow, level is less than .05. Through the data analysis and procedures, the results.
1. The profession-sports spectators has an influence on the sport sponsorship factor. In detail, there is the acquisition of customers's trust according to the profession-sports spectators
2. The standard for the understanding on sponsorship, the acquisition of customers's trust, the contribution to an event through the sponsorship among pro-soccer Spectators has an influence on the purchasing activities. The acquisition of customers trust, the standard for the understanding on sponsorship among pro-baseball Spectators has an influence on the purchasing activities. The standard for the understanding on sponsorship among pro-basketball Spectators has an influence on the purchasing activities.
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The Study on the Department operation for the Effective Management of Employee's Health / Fitness 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 직장체육의 효율적인 전담부서 운영에 관한 연구
39(4) 950-960, 2000
The Study on the Department operation for the Effective Management of Employee's Health / Fitness 스포츠 산업 . 경영 : 직장체육의 효율적인 전담부서 운영에 관한 연구
The employee’s health/fitness programs have been considered as the important issues of both participant and corporate. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current management dept, of health/fitness facilities in company groups(bule color vs. white odor employees)and suggest the rational management dept. and type of its supports.
The 9 company's 887 employees are selected for this study and make a interviews with business charging persons, surveys with its employees. Results obtained from this study is as follows;
First, current management dept, of health/fitness as the environmental dept, in blue color company and welfare dept, in white color company has the higher degree of satisfaction index than another depts.
Second, management type of health/fitness are prefered employee’s discretion in Hue color company and membership in white color company.
Third, lots of employees hope current management dept keep the their business but not human resource dept in blue color company.
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Development of Lifestyle Assessment Inventory for Wellness of Korean Adults 사회체육 : 한국인의 웰니스 ( Wellness ) 에 대한 생활양식 측정도구 개발
39(4) 963-982, 2000
Development of Lifestyle Assessment Inventory for Wellness of Korean Adults 사회체육 : 한국인의 웰니스 ( Wellness ) 에 대한 생활양식 측정도구 개발
The primary purpose of this study were to discuss a conceptual framework of Wellness including five dimensions: physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual, and to develop a scale of lifestyle assessment of Wellness for Korean adults. Many reports point out that lifestyle play as precursors of death from the major killers of our time. The significance of this study was that many people believe lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of efforts to enhance awareness, change behavior and create environments that support good health practice.
To develop a new scale of lifestyle assessment, the subjects of these study were 483 Korean adults(male 277 and female 206). The sample were collected using a duster random sampling method. The collected data were analyzed both exporatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with Windows 10.0 and LISREL 8.12.
The overall goodness of fit index of five measurement models showed fair fit The other indicators showed 'fair' fit of the model to data. The scale can be profitably used by researchers in future studies of health promotion related to lifestyle.
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The influence of "To Sea, To World Ocean Sports Event" on Tong - Young Area's Social · Cultural Changes 사회체육 : "바다로 세계로" 해양 스포츠이벤트가 통영지역의 사회 · 문화적 변동에 미친 영향
39(4) 983-997, 2000
The influence of "To Sea, To World Ocean Sports Event" on Tong - Young Area's Social · Cultural Changes 사회체육 : "바다로 세계로" 해양 스포츠이벤트가 통영지역의 사회 · 문화적 변동에 미친 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of to sea to world ocean sports event' on Tong-Yong area's social · cultural changes.
For this study the perceptional investigation for residents were performed. The conclusions are as follows.
1) It was perceived that it showed positive effect on the variables that the expansion of the communication and electricity facilities, the enlargement of the city maintenance, the promotion of the inter-regional exchanging, the promotion of art and culture, the cultivation of the civil order and the public morality, the inspiration of loving their hometown, the formation of the community consciousness, the inspiration of the trusting local government the formation of volunteerships.
However, they were perceived negative effect on the variables that the solution of discord among social stratums, the improvement of public sanitation, the enlargement of the moving population, the solution of the juvenile problem, and the conservation and sanitation of environment,
2) The deferences resulted from social · economic Actors are as follows :
It showed more positively on the expansion of the communication and electricity facilities in higher income group.
On the conservation and the sanitation of environment, it showed positively in 20s group and over 50s group, but showed negatively in 30s and 40s group.
On the promotion of the inter-regional exchanging it showed more positively in low and high income groups than middle income group.
It showed very positively on the improvement of die public sanitation only in the group which has graduated more than graduate school.
It showed positively on the formation of community consciousness in higher income group and less residential period group.
In conclusion, to sea to world ocean sports event' has positively influenced on host area's social·cultural changes.
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The Causal Relationship Model among Lifestyle, participation of Sport for all, and School Satisfaction of the Universities 여가레크리에이션 : 대학생의 라이프스타일과 여가활동 참가 및 학교 생활만족도 간의 인과모형 탐색
강봉화KangBong-Hwa , 김홍석KimHong-Seok
39(4) 1001-1013, 2000
The Causal Relationship Model among Lifestyle, participation of Sport for all, and School Satisfaction of the Universities 여가레크리에이션 : 대학생의 라이프스타일과 여가활동 참가 및 학교 생활만족도 간의 인과모형 탐색
강봉화KangBong-Hwa , 김홍석KimHong-Seok
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among lifestyle, participation of sport for all, and school satisfaction of the Universities.
For this purpose the research was administered to using materials of 498 male and female universities dwelling in Kyunggido and Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of cluster sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in previous studies among lifestyle, participation of sport for all, and school satisfaction scales, and used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis.
The following is contusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study.
Hypothesis I was selected to optimal casual model.
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The comparison of information between university athletes and general students 여가레크리에이션 : 엘리트선수와 일반대학생들의 정보화 실태 비교 연구
안문용AnMun-Yong , 김상원KimSang-Won
39(4) 1014-1022, 2000
The comparison of information between university athletes and general students 여가레크리에이션 : 엘리트선수와 일반대학생들의 정보화 실태 비교 연구
안문용AnMun-Yong , 김상원KimSang-Won
The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparision of information between university athletes and general students. Subjects were divided into two groups; one group was university athletes(237 samples) and university students(295 samples). Analysis of data was conducted using frequency analysis, crosstabs analysis, and t-test. Results of this study were as follows,
First, athlete group was low student group in having the computer(p<001). Student group was high athlete group in capacity of utilizing computer(p<.001).
Second, student group was high athlete group in utilizing the internet(p<.01). Student group was high athlete group in capacity of having the E-mail(p< 001).
Hurd, student group was high athlete group in watching TV(p >.05).
Forth, student group was high athlete group in capacity of reading the newspaper(p<.001).
Fifth, student group was high athlete group in capacity of reading the book at 1 month(p<.001). The both of groups used the most internet in life information utilizing(p<001).
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The Consideration of Traditional leisure and Modem Preview 여가레크리에이션 : 전통사회의 여가관과 현대적 시사
39(4) 1023-1030, 2000
The Consideration of Traditional leisure and Modem Preview 여가레크리에이션 : 전통사회의 여가관과 현대적 시사
To analyze the Consideration of Traditional leisure as materials for the Educational index which is given to modern society.
There is an important value of research to establish that indirect preview and the education through researching the formalities of the course of life, custom by times and seasons, and folk playing.
1. Folk playing functions as a community union consciousness and the unification and maintenance of the whole society. It means richness and stabilization and also gives positiveness on activity of popular relieving from life's negative aspects.
2. The consideration of the society, which is the formalities of a course of life, gives human growth by stages and a social position of each social stratum Therefore the basic idea is coming from the changes of the process of human growth.
3. The custom by times and seasons is a living custom to be repeated by the seasons. It has a durability and common sense in a formative period and social character. Therefore, the custom by times and seasons was expressed by the aspect of religion related with the aspect of a pastime.
4. The consideration of the traditional leisure preview is expressed in modem society, particulary in the aspect of the functions. Especially, It preview the functions of ceremony, the basic behavior, culture transmit and the solution of the problem.
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Research on actual condition of injuries inflicted upon college students and non college students during skiing 여가레크리에이션 : 대학 · 일반인의 스키운동상해 실태조사
Following research was conducted among 326 college students and non college students out of 1179 subjects who have answered to have had experience of some injuries while skiing from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000. Below results were achieved in these categories; the cause of injuries, condition of injuries, various areas where injuries were inflicted upon, and satisfaction of first aid remedies.
1. The most frequent cause of injuries was collision between skiers and lack of technique, lack of safety measures, and lack of attention during skiing were found to have caused injuries in the order in which they were listed. There were significantly difference in sex, age group, experience in skiing, frequency, and the motive in participation of skiers.
2. The diagnosis of injuries were as follows in the order of frequency: concussion, abrasion, bone fracture, and sprain. There were significantly difference in sex, age group, experience in skiing, frequency, and the motive in participation of skiers.
3. The body areas on which injuries were inflicted were as follows in the order of frequency: lower body, upper body, head and waist. There were significantly difference in sex, age, experience in skiing, frequency, and the motive in participation of skiers.
4. The degree of satisfaction in terms of first aid remedies, most subjects said they were satisfied regardless of sex and age. However, There were significantly differences in terms of experience, frequency, and days of the week.
From above results, we can conclude that with the increase in number of skiers, collision between skiers occurred during the weekends mostly. Therefore, it is imperative to limit the number of skiers on the slopes to prevent any accidents due to overcrowding. Even though injuries on ankle joints decreased due to improvement in ski binding, injuries around knee are still frequent. It is significant that in order to prevent injuries, skiers must choose slopes which fit their levels, wear protection, and stretch each joints and especially in the areas of neck, waist, and thigh. Moreover, with more extensive first aid remedies, injured skiers must able to receive speedy and quality care to enhance satisfaction.
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An Analysis on the Activities in Teaching of the Special School Physical Teacher 특수체육 : 특수체육교사의 교수행동 분석
김종욱KimJong-Wook , 최정환ChoiJung-Whoan
39(4) 1043-1055, 2000
An Analysis on the Activities in Teaching of the Special School Physical Teacher 특수체육 : 특수체육교사의 교수행동 분석
김종욱KimJong-Wook , 최정환ChoiJung-Whoan
The purpose of this research was to analyze the activities in teaching of the special school physical Teacher. To achieve the purpose of this study, the research method used in this study was the qualitative case study. Participants of this study were consisted of four special school physical teachers(2 males and 2 female)in Seoul Province, Korea.
In order to collect the data need for the study, qualitative research data collection methods were used: participant observation and documents gathering, in-depth interview.
The collected materials were analysed by using the encoding and inductive category analysis, and the trustworthiness, morality were ascertained.
The analysis resulted in the fact that the activities in teaching of the special school physical Teachers were core-categorized into teaching perspective and methods.
The results of the analyses and interpretation on the study are as follows:
First, teaching perspective was divided into view of teaching and teacher. Special school physical teacher recognized that a view of teaching thought health life for funny class and physical fitness, and teachers the most important thing was sacrifice spirit and endurance.
Second, teaching methods sub-categorized smoothly class, modification, repeat learning, appropriate task-presentation, peer teaching, motivation, class control, and feed back.
Smoothness were accommodation and overlapping during class management of the teacher. Teacher participated in class control.
Modifications to lesson included disability level, plan, equipment and modification of rules.
Repeated the same problem frequently, encouraging some small change in movement because of insufficient knowledge of developmental disability.
Appropriate task-presentation were interesting, age-appropriate, and relevant to the student, and the simple of demonstration
Peer teaching involves same-age students helping with instruction and demonstration.
Motivation used verbal praise, reinforcer, music and skin-ship. sincere skin-ship can be one of the teacher`s most effective motivator. situation.
Most effective methods of class control were parallel to genial and stern.
Feedback provide prompt and immediate, and teacher participation, when possible, in the play and fitness activities of these students is also encouraged.
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The effect of dance activity on postural control and balance in cerebral palsy 특수체육 : 무용활동이 뇌성마비인의 자세제어와 평형성에 미치는 영향
허진영HuhJin-Young , 신나리ShinNa-Ri
39(4) 1056-1062, 2000
The effect of dance activity on postural control and balance in cerebral palsy 특수체육 : 무용활동이 뇌성마비인의 자세제어와 평형성에 미치는 영향
허진영HuhJin-Young , 신나리ShinNa-Ri
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 10 weeks dance activity on balance and automatic postural control in individual with cerebral palsy. Seven subjects with cerebral palsy were recruited from S rehabilitation institution in Gwangju, Gyung-Gi Do. Consents form is obtained from subjects’ parents.
Subjects were participated in 10 weeks dance program 3 times per week; each session was lasted 2hours. Sensory organization test and automatic postural control change, and adaptation test were obtained using EquiTest System at before dance activity, after 5 weeks activity, and after 10 weeks activity.
Results were as follows:
1) there was significant increase in all sensory organization best items after 10 weeks dance activity,
2) there was a significant change in automatic postural control through 10 weeks dance activity,
3) there was a significant increase in adaptation after 10 weeks dance activity.
Results were discussed based on the results. Results were discussed.
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Prevention and Treatment of Eating Disorders among Ballet Dancers
39(4) 1065-1071, 2000
Prevention and Treatment of Eating Disorders among Ballet Dancers
During the past decade, an increase in the prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa has emerged, resulting in a greater understanding of the etiology, pathology, and treatment of these eating disorders. The exact occur more frequently in dance that emphasize thinness.
Dance trainers, directors, and others working closely with dancers should be knowledgeable about eating disorders, know how to identify the symptoms, and be prepared to manage problems that may arise. This paper discusses the role of the dancer trainer in helping reduce the risk of eating disorders and in establishing a plan to manage problems, should they occur.
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Dance trainer, eating disorders
The Effect of dance major and experience on balance and automatic postural control 무용 : 무용 전공과 경력이 평형성과 자동자세제어에 미치는 영향
허진영HuhJin-Young , 이현경LeeHyun-Kyung
39(4) 1072-1079, 2000
The Effect of dance major and experience on balance and automatic postural control 무용 : 무용 전공과 경력이 평형성과 자동자세제어에 미치는 영향
허진영HuhJin-Young , 이현경LeeHyun-Kyung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dance major and experience on balance and automatic postural control. Subjects were divided into total 6 groups(N=60) based on dance experience and major: 1) experience; within 4years and above 6years 2) dance; korean dance, modern dance and ballet 3) control group. EquiTest(NeuroCom; 1994, USA) was used for study. Sensory organization test and motor control test were performed for balancing with both feet. Sensory organization test was performed for balancing with one foot.
For data analysis 2-way ANOVAs were used with SAS-PC Ver. 9.12. For hypothesis test α was set at .05.
Results were as follows;
First, for dance experience, there was significant difference in composite equilibrium and COG alignment with both feet.
Second, there was significant difference in adaptation and weight symmetry for dance experience with both feet.
Third, there was significant difference in composite equilibrium, sensory analysis scores, COG alignment with one foot.
Overall results indicate that dance activities have an effect on balance ability but not on major and experience. Dance major students have better postural control ability in unstable situation than non-dance major students.
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A Relationship between seungmu and Buddhist Ritual Dance 무용 : 불교 의식무용과 승무와의 연관성
황경숙HwangKyung-Sook , 정재만JungJe-Man
39(4) 1080-1086, 2000
A Relationship between seungmu and Buddhist Ritual Dance 무용 : 불교 의식무용과 승무와의 연관성
황경숙HwangKyung-Sook , 정재만JungJe-Man
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Seungmu and Buddhist Ritual Dance in order to investigate and the true nature and to develop a creative way of continuing of Seungmu. For doing this, this study was directed its concern into Buddhist Ritual Dance which has affected many factors to Korean traditional dance. Especially, this study was to focused an the so-called ‘Seungmu’ which is notified as the 27th Korean Intangible Cultural Assets.
The following similarities were identified as results of this study:
1) There is a kind of appearance for Jeongjoongdong(non-movement in movement), like in Seungmu, in Buddhist Ritual Dance. A dancing from for beginning part in Seungmu was appeared in Nabi(Butterfly) Dance among Buddhist Ritual Dance. Also it seemed that Hakchesawi in Seungmu is the same movement.
2) Bubgo which is a traditional drum in Seungmu surely was affected by Buddhist Bubgo Dance.
3) Foot position and movement of Seungmu are very similar to Bijeongbipal form in Buddhist Ritual Dance.
4) The whole process of Seungmu is similar to one of Buddhist Ritual Dance in terms of repeat of movement, aesthetic experience, and ritual sympathy.
5) Yumbulkwajang in music, Samhyunyukgak in Musical instruments, and Dance Uniform have relationships of the same structure in both Seungmu and Buddhist Ritual Dance.